I've a problem with tweaking the controls to my needs.
What I want is a sprite moving in 8 directions but going over solid objects in the same time.
Now 8 direction behaviour works just great for the controls but the sprite collides with solid.
Custom control doesn't collide, but I can't make a smooth movement like in 8 direction. I can't set any deceleration.
So I don't know which way to go and what's possible.
Should I try and make a sprite go over solid with 8 direction behaviour.
Or should I figure out how to simulate deceleration for custom control because it hasn't got that option.
I'm trying to make a ghost game where the ghost is able to pass through solid, and I need to keep it solid for other stuff.
If anyone 's got an idea on how to solve this, I would be thankful for your time and help!