Martifou's Forum Posts

  • Problem solved !

    A parameter in my graphic card was the problem. It was on "Performance", and now it's in "Quality".

    It works !

    Thanks for your help everyone !

  • Yes i see no more solution... Thanks. ;)

  • I have done a virus analysis, nothing found. I don't know where to search now. :(

  • Sorry I have not noticed that. My graphics card driver is up to date, directX too. This bug came one day. Before, everything was well, but not now.

    Hope i'm clear, sorry for my bad english. :)

  • Help please ! This problem is very annoying !

  • Hi,

    I'll try to explain better. In the picture editor, i filled with black the sprite, then used only selection tools, and that is the result. Selections became like eraser !

  • Here it is :

  • Please help !

    Here is a picture of the problem :

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hi,

    I have a problem in Construct Classic since a few days. I'll try to be clear.

    When I use selection tools in the picture editor, a part of the selection is replaced by transparent pixels. So I can't select anything, this is really annoying. I tried uninstalling Construct a lot of times but nothing changed.

    Hope I'm clear. Tell me if you want more details.

    PS : I have Windows 8.

    Thanks ! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi,

    There will be a new version of Construct Classic one day or not ? I know it's now developped by community, but don't know if it really continues.

    Hope i'm clear, thanks.

  • Thank you procrastinator ! Time to search now. ^^

  • Hi,

    Sorry, I'll try again. ^^ I want more to know what kinds of movement there are in games, not only in Construct. Differents moves possible in a top view camera ! :)

    EDIT :

    For instance, there is 8 Direction movement, diablo-like movement, RTS movement. And I'd like to know others type.

    Hope I'm clear. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello everyone,

    There is a lot of movement in CC, and in games in general (for the main character). In my game, for now, it's 8 direction with angle oriented to mouse. It's a top view camera.

    But I was wondering what kinds of other movement there is in games with that camera ?

    Sorry for my english, I'm french. Hope I'm clear. :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • 404 Error, is there an another way to have this plugin ?

  • Hello everyone,

    I have a problem using timeline object : I can't rename multiples timeline.

    You can try in a new cap (if you want to see) : add a timeline object, click edit (in properties), then click on "Add Timeline". You'll have timeline 1 and timeline 2. Try to rename both, it's impossible ! When I rename timeline 1 it's ok, but when I rename timeline 2, it renames timeline 1 instead !

    Please help me find a solution !

    Hope I'm clear, thanks for help !