MarteenGreen's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Same issue here :(

  • Just read all your guys' replies... there really should be a tutorial for handling multiple levels haha.

    I will definitely be doing this though:

    I then create an event sheet per level to handle that particular level's parameters (enemy spawn rate, enemy types, total number of waves, etc.) which are passed on to the main event sheet. Each level event sheet includes the main event sheet.

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  • So, if I keep on creating multiple levels using one layout, won't everything become cluttered? So, then won't I just end up with 80+ layers instead of layouts?

  • Woah! Thankyou, GeometriX, for the nice breakdown :)

    I will definitely take note here and try to learn how to implement all the stuff you just said.

  • Hello, I am trying to create a simple game that is consisted of multiple stages in the game (80+ stages). Does this mean I will need over 80 layouts in my game?

    When the player reaches the end, I want them to go to the next level.

    And if they decide to quit and come back later, I want them to be able to resume where they left off (a save system), or pick a level they have already beaten.

    I've searched for many tutorials but I couldn't find anything that is this specific. Help?


  • The ellipses you keep typing make it seem like you are annoyed, frustrated, or think I'm dumb.

    I guess I just want someone or something to hold my hand along the process. Oh, well!

    Thank you anyways for your responses.

  • Will do. Are there any templates for Android/iOS games that I can load up into C2?

  • Basically, I want to start a game that is for mobile devices. (a game similar to League of Evil -

    I'd want the player to be greeted with menus: A main menu, one for the level select screen, credits and such.

    I've already the 'support multiple screen sizes' tutorial.

  • 8 posts