MarkThomas's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I've changed some of the animations in my game to smaller file sized versions of the same animations (thanks to the forum here I could see my original animations for 50 plus frames were too big and their sizes were 400x400)

    I've now made 20 frames at 100x100 but when I deleted the original using the edit image screen, does this totally remove them from the game?

    I ask because every other sprite needs to be removed from the projects bar.

    I'm worried that those huge original animations are still in the games memory.

    Any help would be great.


  • Wow, I didn't know that, it's taking me a while to make my game and I've really only just finished level 1, I thought this would be the case for most people.

    Oh well, I guess not every game is going to be good (now praying mine will be!)


  • Ah, ok, I assumed that every game finished was a polished final version.

    Thanks for the replies.

  • You can't expect Scirra to just post all the games made by C2 users, it would result into chaos (a bit exaggeration)

    This makes it sound like loads of games are released each day.

    Surely there's only 1 or 2 a month released? or are there really that many that would annoy fellow game makers if they got an email saying a new game is released?

  • Hi,

    I know I'm new here but I've been reading a lot about people wanting to make money from their games:

    One person said that a lot of it is luck, this is true but I have an idea that logically would take most of the luck out of the equation.

    To make a game successful you need:

    1. A great game

    2. word of mouth and or social media viral

    3. Lots of people downloading it

    4. Lots of people rating it (this doesn't have to be high ratings as I've seen games in the top 50 with really bad ratings!)

    5. App store making it a featured game

    I can't help with the great game, I hate flappy birds but yet loads of people love it, so there's no way of knowing what's a great game.

    But.... I know this forum has a section for people to list their new games but what if...

    When a new game is made by a construct 2 user, we get a mass email giving us the link to download it.

    As a huge amount of users all 'putting the effort' in to help a fellow construct 2 user we can 'honestly' rate the game.

    If the game is good then the amount of people that have downloaded it and rated it would increase the chances of the app store 'taking notice' of that game, and would help anyone outside of construct 2 chose to download it or not.

    And if the game does well it might make you start a new game yourself (if you are not already making one).

    And when it's your turn to upload your game to an app store, wouldn't you want a large amount of people all downloading it and playing it? I would!

    If you downloaded the game and liked it, you could post about it on facebook/twitter etc.

    This will then take out a lot of luck and put the higher percentage in the hands of the game maker.

    I know that no-one on here would leave bad reviews or low scores out of spite, because you all bend over backwards to help fellow game makers.

    To sum up:

    We all get email with link to a new game (if free they have more chance of people downloading it to play it)

    We all make the effort to download, play and rate it.

    The game maker then have a large amount of ratings that he/she wouldn't have had.

    Your thoughts are welcome (don't hate me it's just an idea)

  • Ahh, thanks, that makes a lot of sense.

    Will go back to layout 1 and see what can be trimmed, I'm sure I've got things I can combine.

    Thank you, have a great holiday.


  • If you place two objects of the same type in different layouts, each one will keep their own instances and setups,

    Thanks, that's what I've had to do, but adding the same sprite (animation) to another layout will cause the file size to be bigger?

    Eg: layout 1 has sprite with 30 frame animation = x amount of file size in the game.

    If I copy that into another layer, the system know it's a copy and thus will use that sprite and it's animation.

    But I if add the same sprite and animation in another layout will the system think it's another sprite with animation and then I'll have two files taking up space.

    Sorry to waffle on, I'm worried I'm bogging the game down with duplicates of things.


  • Good point, only 35% of the main large animation screen is animated the rest is just blank alpha channel. Will do that thanks.

    Any idea on how to un-link a copy of an object from one layout to another, so I can change behaviours without effecting the original on the other layout?

    Thank you.

  • Hi,

    Thanks, really interesting. I do have some large animation files on the menu screen (100+ frames at 640 x 360) I'm guessing this is slowing it down.

    While on the subject of adding the objects on 1 layout as you mentioned!

    When I clone that object to another layout it won't let me paste it.

    If I copy that object then I get all the behaviours with it, which means on the 2nd level if I remove persistent on the copy it removes it from the first level.

    So I'm left with adding another object on level 2 (with animation) just so I can add new behaviours to it.

    Have I done this wrong, and does this add to the overall file size, I know copy/paste doesn't but I have to add new sprites each time even though they are the same as level 1.

    Hope this makes sense?


  • Thanks, so the best thing for me to do is keep everything low, eg: amount of sprites, sound etc.


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  • Hi,

    When I test my game on the pc it takes about 15 seconds to load, the game is not finished and I think each time I add stuff the loading time goes up a tiny bit.

    When the game is complete and with luck converted as a phone app, will the loading times be the same as I see? or will the files be compressed in the process of converting to a phone game and be smaller and load quicker?


  • Well knock me down with a feather! it worked! Thank you so much nimos100

    I was worried to post on here, (I seem to ask a lot of dumb questions) and was also worried there wasn't a way to do it.

    But that's such a cool way I didn't know that could be done.

    Me and my game thank you

  • Hi,

    I've been stuck on this for over a week any help would be soooo welcome!

    I have a 'menu page' which shows the levels, only level 1 is unlocked at the start.

    When the player wins level 1, I set 'lvl2 unlocked and make the lvl2 button visible' this is perfect as the player can now select level 2.

    But because on level 1 I have added "reset global variables" (I have to do this as that level takes turns between the player and computer) it resets the global and if the player plays level 1 again (even if they have completed it) the global gets reset and if they die or use the 'menu page button' the lvl2 button is invisible again.

    I've tried sooo many different ways from saving to local variables, really what I need is a way to do this on the menu page:

    If lvl2 button visible then permanently change global to 1 from 0, then when the player goes back to lvl and all global are reset, the global that I want is reset to 1, which keeps the lvl2 button visible.

    I thought 'set global' would have set it permanently?

    Is this possible or is there another way that I'm missing?

    Thank you.

  • Hi,

    I've looked around and can see lots of posts about how to keep the file size small, but I can't find anything on what is an 'good' size?

    So far my first level is 26mb, the following levels will use a lot of the same graphics as the first, but I think the finished game will be around 50mb.

    Any idea what a good size should be?

    Many thanks


  • Hi Scirra,

    Just an idea for any future release you may do, can you make it so the mouse wheel scrolls down the 'add event' pages.

    I use the wheel a lot and keep finding myself trying to scroll down, the more sprites I have the bigger that page gets and the easier it would be for the mouse wheel to work there.

    Many thanks
