MariushGGWP's Forum Posts

  • I would set up a nested event system.

    Try something like

    int distanceToJump = (some number)

    > On key down

    > on key pressed

    >loop from (1 to distanceToJump)

    > character set x to (self.X + 1)

    Then you can check if you have hit a wall because you increment by 1 in a very short amount of time. It will still look like you teleported even though it isn't instantaneous.

    I hope this answers your question!

    I dont know how to do this im little new on C2/3 can u send capx plz

  • Thnkas for help i try do this i can say im noob always will be nice when see capx :)

    But really thanks for help! :)

  • I think that you can achieve what you want using raycasting.

    See this:

    You will have a laser to the player`s angle. Before teleport, compare if the laser is bigger than the amount of space needed for the teleport, if have space enought, just do the regular teleport, if not, teleport it to where the laser ends.

    Thanks for this method but I don't know how to do it to teleport through the wall i really dont know.

    that's why i would ask for a capx

    Thank you for this material, it will definitely be useful to me

  • change the position of the player on a key press or release.

    i dont wanna make typical teleport one place to other this is easy i make player teleport and use forward but dont know how to do when i stuck to wall player just back to last place sry for bad eng

  • How i can make horizontal Teleport ability in platform game when i jump and press button

    Sounds easy but i really dont know how to do this my character stuck in wall.

    Will be really awesome if u can put short capx!

    Like in this game

    Sry for bad eng.

    And thanks for help.

  • How i can make horizontal Teleport ability in platform game when i jump and press button

    Sounds easy but i really dont know how to do this my character stuck in wall.

    Like in this game

    Sry for bad eng.

    And thanks for help.

  • ok thanks i try this but if u have capx for this will be nice but i try do this.


  • I try say when i use teleport skill i dont wanna collision empty space looks like glich but collision wall i just try say i dont wanna teleport out off screen plz help.

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  • I see game "Jumping Clones"

    I don't know how to make this collision.

    One character stands on the other and you can move freely.

    When the second figure on my head jumps, it can jump again.

    If somebody have short capx will be nice i really like this mechanic but i really dont know how to do this.

    Please help and ty.


  • thanks for help

  • I need help how to do when "player" be on head enemy and out jump then enemy die and when player slide like wall enemy die too i really dont know how to do this i made some like when player jump then he respawn block who destroy enemy but this box take more enemy who player dont out jump to dont be so close..

    really sry for bad eng

  • I need help how to do when "player" be on head enemy and out jump then enemy die and when player slide like wall enemy die too i really dont know how to do this i made some like when player jump then he respawn block who destroy enemy but this box take more enemy who player dont out jump to dont be so close..

    really sry for bad eng

  • Some how can make screen shake with Layout Size and Window Size

    this same resolution 480x320? thanks for help!

  • i made some like when click object he flash 1 sec and spawn other object who touch other then explode but this not work well i need destroy one be one

  • Frozen this work only about ligthing and black screen