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    Hi I noticed that the frame rate changes a lot if U scale down the browser game window manualy ( if basicly u scale from right lower corner the entire website). Is there a reason behind ?

    Does it mean that game should not be full screen ???? I like to have good graphics and not too tiny sprites...but on the other side the game frame rate should not suffer...

    thanks guys:)

  • Hi I noticed that the frame rate changes a lot if U scale down the browser game window manualy ( if basicly u scale from right lower corner the entire website). Is there a reason behind ?

    Does it mean that game should not be full screen ???? I like to have good graphics and not too tiny sprites...but on the other side the game frame rate should not suffer...

    thanks guys:)

  • But does it take memory or is it the same if the size is big or small ???

    thanks 4 the answer

  • Hi Guys I would like to make a "browser" game.

    Now, I think more or less the majority has 16:9 monitors.

    My big question it better to make HD or not ? Does it affect the game frame rate fluidity/memory usage ???




  • thanks

    i did not really understand the Node-webkit thing....

    Uh it was in the office ...but the laptop is 5-6 years old...I think beacause it is not updated at all....

  • Hi guys...

    question 1)

    does a game have the same velocity/frame rate if exported for windows desktop or if it is a browser game ???

    question 2 )

    Today I tried a game on my pc (browser game)...and it was fine...on a laptop ( same browser game) U could see it was suffering 4 frame rate.... is it because maybe the laptop is a bad computer ????


  • Thanks Guys

  • is it better too have 4 different prites of a variation of rocks (for background use )or is it better to have 1 sprite with 4 different animations ... Is one better to save memory ?

    question 2:

    Is it better to have 1 bigger image on which there are basicly 4 variations of a element...or is it better to have each elemnt seprated but smaller as image size ???


  • Hi everybody:)

    I have a question regarding the weight of a game file.

    I made a small test of a little screen ...not even a entire level of a astro shooter. The browser handels it well..FOR NOW...

    But I noticed that it is 9 MB big.!!!!!! Are game file sizes important..? Or can a browser game also manage VERY big game files... I talking about the entire game file size...not each sprite sheed....

    What Do U recomend to a beginner to do, to make a fluid game... I haerd U can load level per level...and not load the entire game it true? are there other suggestions ???

    thank guys

  • thanks guys...I will try ...probably I am simply a newcomer...

  • Hi guys... I am becoming crazy... I set a image point from where to spawn a bullet...

    it works for 1 soon my player goes arround ( i press the arrows) the bullet is spawned from another point....I checked really all frames of all change.

    Other thing: I place as Zorder the player at first on the top...the bullet underbead the player as zorder...still the bullet is coming out from the top of the players layer...??? helpppp :/

    thanks guys

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  • Hi guys this is a tricky question.

    I would like to make a browser game which is able to update itself with advertisings that I choose to place on a url of my choice (for example my website).

    The problem: I know that many sites copy the entire web game on theyr site, and if my game becomes super popolar like flappy birds ( hopefully yupyyyy;) I would like to offer little advertising space for example at the "game over screen " of each match.

    Now...if the ad is placed on the game hosted on my own site it is not a problem, because I have of course the C2 file taht I can change without problems. So I like to know if i can arrange my game in a way that it searches for updtaes automaticly, even other people are hosting the game on their site that maybe I even do not know.... so that all games in any url will update advertisings or for examples bugfixes ecc....did U understand my problem ?



  • That is so kind from Ur side...Thank U so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As beginner all this "formulas" are really hard to understand... but the sample is PERFECT in my opinion ! thank U again so much



  • Hi guys, Iam using firefox. I have uploaded my game and it was fine...than for certain reasons I have deleted it...and re-uploaded it. Now in the browser my player seems to have an animation error ( shaking frames)...but on internet explorer, chrome and in "construct 2 RUN preview "all is ok...I have refreshed firefox,...but still sprite animation error...

    do U have suggestions ??? or is the simple refresh button not ok ???

    thanks guys


  • thanks...I will try...last question... is there a way to make this angle change gradualy like an animation instead of a hard change from one angle to the other ????
