marcinkowski's Forum Posts

  • It should be working, maybe it's off by more than 2 pixels.

    Also I mixed up x and y in my previous comment.


    Distance(sprite.x, sprite.y, 432, 49) <50

    If it works, try <20, then <10

    Or use MoveTo plugin.


    I gave <10 and it's work Perfect ! thanks much man!

  • System -> Compare two values -> Distance(sprite.x, sprite.y, 49, 432)<2.


    Eh it not working, I think it should be something simple to fix this.

    Now I stopped it using "wehen overlapnig another object" but it's littel tricky

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hey

    I want move menu object from left to right in the stary of layout. I tried use 8 direction but it won't work when got solids on his road. What is the best method for moving an object from left to right.

    Now I trying Custom Movement but object wan't stop when reached the position.

    This not work, it won't stop:

  • clicks are better paid. However you also earn from impressions. But only "7" impressions will not leave any cash.

    Wait till you have more impressions and check again. If there is still nothing, there could be an issue.




    thanks, you gave me hope

  • Hey

    Some people watched video ads in my app. And I see that in my panel, but there is no cash for this.

    Is that mean, that they should click on this video? But this is revenue Ad, when they got something for watching this Ads.


  • Ashley

    Yes, use WebView instead. The non-browser wrappers were deprecated in early 2015, they are not supported by us. You can try using them anyway, but if you have trouble, you're on your own.

    thanks man! But are my preferences are ok for WebView or WebView+ ?

  • Hey

    My game runs perfect with WebGL on desktop, but when I compile it in Cocoon, graphics are pixelize.

    Have you got any idea, how to improve WebGL in preferences ?


  • Ashley

    Canvas+ has not been officially supported for over 2 years.

    Really? Why there is new version of this plugin from 2017 in Cocoon io.

    Should I use WebViewPplus?

  • ludei



    Guys I tried and replaced code but game is still loading in the left corner. Any ideas? Should I install any plugins in Cocoon io for CanvasPlus?

  • Hey!!!

    My game won’t load when compiled in Canvas plus. New Plugin is installed in Construct 2. Game loads in many small screens and nothing works, can’t click.

    But WebView Plus works nice but WebGL are sometimes doesn’t work.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks much

  • matriax

    You can create an instance variable on the enemy sprite called "time".

    thanks man

    heh this is 50 th variable in my game, so don't know is it Healthy?

  • Hey

    Is it possible to make action when enemy overlaping object X for 3 seconds then destroy enemy?


  • Hey

    I deleted oone texture that I don't use and then was a problem with game running.

    Is there any method for deleting not used files?


  • Hey 99Instances2Go please help!

    Hey I'm tired of this script for 2 months. I made it but it does not work. Once they touch Custom Movement Object (Klocek), the Enemies(Pathfinders) must follow the original target (Arrival.X, Arrival.Y). And Over again, when You place "Klocek", they should go to it and when touched it, they should back to Arrival.

    Now when they touch this object (klocek) they "swim" and not go to Arrival.

    But when I change this line, this works only for this one pathfinder who's touched this "Klocek" and he is walking to Arrival. So that's is OK. But others not, they just swimming on screen:


  • brunopalermo

    Thanksfor capx to that it was very helpful, a good job man. I have a bad experience with new versions of anything. I never bought a new Windows until I had to do it.