Hello guys:
I'm setting the player inputs and the animation state to "crouch" but i don't know how can i make the animation to stop in the last frame and remain until I release the down button and it back to idle
this is my actual code:
+ Keyboard: ? is down
+ OR Keyboard: S is down
-> walking_mask: Set size to (106, 119)
-> obj_player: Set animator to "crouch"
I tried with this code:
+ Keyboard: ? is down
+ OR Keyboard: S is down
-> walking_mask: Set Platform maximum speed to 0
-> walking_mask: Set size to (106, 119)
-> obj_player: Set animator to "crouch"
----+ obj_player: Animation frame = 16
-----> obj_player: Stop animation
and this code:
+ Keyboard: ? is down
+ OR Keyboard: S is down
-> walking_mask: Set Platform maximum speed to 0
-> walking_mask: Set size to (106, 119)
----+ System: Trigger once
-----> obj_player: Set animator to "crouch"
--------+ obj_player: Animation frame = 16
---------> obj_player: Stop animation
but the crouch looping still looping