mapmerry's Forum Posts

  • Liking the idea of this and can see it being a good game fully fleshed out.

    A few things I thought didn't work too well or suggestions I think would make the game better:

    The way the enemy objects bounce around when you hit them looks odd to me. the way they randomly instantly move and change angle. I think it would look a lot better with a different effect such as bouncing the opposite direction the bullet hit it slightly or gradual movement insteat of instant.

    As medipacks and health etc reach the bottom bit they seem a bit too fast for me. Maybe lowering the max fall speed of them a little.

    Even when collecting every ammo with two guns equipped I ran out before there was more ammo to collect. This makes the gameplay a little frustrating when waiting for ammo. Especially if it drops in an area you have to charge into tons of enemies for.

    Apart from those things I found it enjoyable to play.

  • Awesome I replaced my shoddy save code with webstorage with global variables and my project works a lot better.

    Thanks for the reply.

  • I have auto saving in my game but at the moment it currently works like this:

    -first layout loads game and sets a load variable.

    -it loads the game where it saved at the end of a level and with load variable on it takes you to the main menu.

    -main menu takes the load variable off.

    The problem I have is I can get some weird errors when doing this aswell as random sounds playing in the main menu screen.

    Is there a way to not save game state but to just save global variables as they are and then load the global variables on start up?

  • Latest build with the first level on the cancer stage:

    Sorry for the direct download and size it's a bit too big to make a website version of it now.

  • Thanks! i'm hoping to add a bit more to it like maybe some lighting because I don't think its quite at what it should be yet.

    I use a tablet to do the artwork in the game though its a cintiq draw on screen kind rather than the standard tablet.

  • retrodude

    Thanks for the compliments the animation are what I spend a lot of my time with on this game so i'm hoping to have them look nice.

    I Use flash for my animations but mostly redraw every frame separately to not have the motion-tween feel to it.

    On humanoids I animate simple skeletons in 3dmax to cheat with keeping proportions right because i'm not really skilled enough to keep it all uniform in freehand animation. Then I draw over it in flash.

  • is there a quick way to export just one layout of a game to give people for testing?

    Right now my games file size is getting quite large and i'm having to keep re uploading big file sizes for my testers to have a look at a single layout in the game.

  • Is there any way to move my topic from the completed to the unfinished section?

  • Did it ok but I wouldn't add parts like the bit on the third or so level where you can't see down so you just choose left or right, one being death.

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  • military style level enemies:

  • Now that the tutorial is done I'm working on the next stage which is a military style ship with Ursa, mecha musume tank style.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I've started on the current small enemies for these levels which will be stuff like planes and tanks. Feel free to suggest what you think might make a good enemy in this area. I haven't got the enemies fleshed out yet.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • It's playing perfectly fine here, using chrome. I think its a bit too easy though, after a few mins I just exited because I could easily collect the coins without issue.

  • Finally got around to making a tutorial on how to play the game when you first click start game:

    I uploaded a new build for people to play with this in place.

    Windows download version:

  • Looking great, liking some of the pixel effects like when you use the charge down power.

  • After a lot of thought and research I have decided to edit my game to be more inline with the casual market, you can find my new enhanced web version here:

    Marauders: corona of the flap