maordany's Forum Posts

  • Yeah the ui stuff is definitely a thorn in our side, but the mobile joystick is super easy, and there's far too many different ways to do it to make an official plug.

    Best bet is to find an example of what you want to do and ask on the forum if you need some help doing it.

    So it's time to work for a few days to improve the UI. I think this is very, very important.

  • construct is supposed to be a simple and easy to use engine but there are things that are hard to do well because there are no built-in things for it.

    1. Good joystick for mobile (for the variety of move behaviors that exist here)

    2. A simple list (horizontal and vertical and grid) with a scroll bars (A list of images or text or both) There is no UI control for this.

    (I'm not saying it's impossible to do it but in an engine that should be simple it's a shame that it's not built in)

    I and others will surely be happy if you add it to you engine.

    Where on the site can I ask for requests and suggestions for improvement?


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  • I want to do a 6 player battle royale, but the AI ​​seems really complex, who to approach that looks believable. Is there an example of such a thing? Does anyone have an idea?

  • Is it possible?

  • Amazing, one of the most beautiful if not the most beautiful I have seen that I have made with Construct.

    I wish you lots of success!!

    Are you planning to release it only for Steam or also for mobile and browser?

  • It would depend on what else it should be able to do, and if others are supposed to work in a similar way.

    A suggestion would be to add the object to a family called something like PointFollowers and add the behaviour moveto and a variable MovingTo to that family.

    Add another object called MovePoint and make it invisible, give it a variable called PointID and another one called MoveTo.

    Pointfollowers on collision with MovePoint -> set Pointfollowers.MovingTo = MovePoint.Moveto

    -subevent pick all MovePoint

    pick MovePoint where PointID = Pointfollowers.MovingTo

    action Pointfollowers.MoveTo MovePoint.X MovePoint.Y

    You could even experiment with using the same PointID and add pick random in multiple Movepoints to have the AI take random paths.

    Any object in that family will then follow movepoints as you have set them up.

    Thanks I'll check it out.

  • I need to create a AI patrol (Top Down) that goes through 4 points in a loop. What is the right way to do it?

  • wdym, each phone has specific amount of ram?

    I would say any phone with 3GB or more ram should be able to run a app that uses a GB of memory without a problem.

    Anything below can be a bit of a problem, especially if the user has some other apps running at the same time.

    I think Android limits each app to a certain amount of memory. But I didn't find any information about it.

  • Phones with just a few gb of ram would probably run out of memory, as the OS etc needs some memory as well.

    Depends on what mobile devices you are targeting.

    Do you think there is a limit? I did not find such information on google שnd that's odd.

  • In debugging mode I see that I am using up to 800MB of memory.

    Can it be problematic if I save to mobile?

  • Alternate is

    Use Tween Behaviors For Loop

    Thanks but I need more than one point and I need the moving player to face the direction of the walk.

  • That's what I did but I'm not sure it's the right way.

  • Load only the necessary amount of peds. By "necessary" I mean some peds in player vicinty. Basically a player must have an area around him that dynamically loads some npcs. Pathfinding is expensive but if you prevent them from finding paths simlutaniously it'll be alright. Just for the love of gods don't make the whole city perfom pathfinding

    So I understand that this is the right way, I just have to do it smart and not all at once. Thanks!!!

  • I have a map of a really big city that I made, I also put in 50 different types of people that I want to walk around the map and go from point to point like citizens of the city.

    What is the best way to do it?

    I thought about Pathfinding for every citizen and the destination changes every time you reach the destination. It seems to me that this could be wrong because of all the calculations, is there perhaps a more correct way?

  • I have been working for a long time with construct 3 but without JS code, i work with Event sheet.

    I know how to program with JS, I know how to program well but I have never worked with it in Construct.

    I'm looking for a good and professional Construct 3 course with code, not just one video on YouTube. Something professional. Anyone know anything good? I'm willing to pay for such a course, of course. If it's something on a paid site that you know, I'd love to know. Thanks!!!