manukeo's Forum Posts

  • hello AllanR

    my wall are really straight is most of cases, but efectively i had only 4 collision point in my sprite player,

    i upgrade to 8 and it seems to be a little better, i'll gonna run some tests thx

    is there a way to know at which precise angle a curved polygon will stuck on a solid ? is there a way to assign a round collision box to player ?

  • thanks a lot alextro, this is the idea, but its not working for me,

    as i have also nonsquare walls where the origin point is not the center,

    and i also use tilemap with solid behavior for certain wall.

    so i need to find something else.


    if im right, this SHOULD create the beemob on top of the player no ?

    why its not ????

    EDIT : when i SET position to same point in runtime, just after beemob is created, it go at the right place. so its ok.

    now i need to achieve the rest of the mouvement.

    ps: zenox98 : sorry it was not intended to be a bump, but giving complementary explanation on my problem. is an EDIT acceptable ?

  • Hello all,

    im making a top down shooter,

    but im not satisfied with the way sprites interact with each others.

    when the player is in collision with a solid or wall, its stuck on it instead of gliding the right way depending on keys pressed.

    its only working when walls are perfectly horizontal or vertical.


    i remember seeing a plug-in or a behavior made by Rojohound or Rexrainbow i think,

    which was about this issue , but i cant find it anymore.

    someone can help ??

    thanks a lot !

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  • hello !

    here is a schematic of what i want.

    this is a top down shooter.

    i found this but its unclear to me on how to use it,

    CanvasToLayerX("sol",LayerToCanvasX("paralax3", spawnership.x, spawnership.y) ,LayerToCanvasY("paralax3", spawnership.x, spawnership.y))


    thanks for help !!!!


    edit : my mistake : layer "sol" is parallax (100,100), not (0,0).

  • its not flash behavior, but me modifiying manually the hue.

    anyway, made it with a timer behavior and seems to be working without bug

    thanks !

  • yes, your guess is correct.

    i'll look right now into the timer behavior. thank

  • hello !

    i have a monster


    monster see player

    shoot = 0 (instance variable)



    set shoot=1

    monster change color


    monster flash


    monster spawn bullet (3 bullet)

    set speed for bullet

    set direction for bullet (3 differents directions)

    set shoot=0

    it work perfectly, BUT when my monster is killed during the flash, and there are others monsters and bullet flying, it somehow select bullets flying and adjust their course.

    i would assume the selected monster being dead, it would spawn no bullet, then no bullet should be in the selected object list ??

    how should i change my code to avoid this bug ?

    is this a bad use of wait action ?


  • thanks a lot for your answer..

    i tested your solution and it worked, but i noticed that if i placed my events differently

    the "bullet on destroyed" is working , even after the "mobprojectile > destroy "

    but thanks !!

  • hello !

    Right now i have a problem with the family thing. i know this could be solved by rewriting the complete way to use bullets in my game but i would like to know if i can just easily fix it.

    all my monster's bullets are grouped in the family MOBprojectile.

    when MOBprjectile hit player , its destroyed and spawn a HITFLASH

    now i would like use a different HITFLASH animation depending of which bullet of MOBPROJECTILE is concerned.

    i try to use a different event not based on family for the details but its not working.

    is there an expression like

    "if mobprojectile.truename = x > spawn x_hitflash" ?

    or a way to make that the events work in that order :

    xbullet hit player : spawn x_hitflash

    ybullet hit player : spawn y_hitflash

    mobprojectile hit player : destroy mobprojectile


    thanks for help

  • awesome !

    we can't see the rotation of the others tanks so they seem to act strangely sometimes. but it work !

  • its totally uncomprehensible, but i let this problem aside. work on others things, and now the problem has disappeared.

    soooo. i dont know what to said.

  • im unable to help you but i'm glad you shared this capx. with comments to explain

    its chinese to me at the moment but i'll dissect it patiently and try to understand how multiplayer works ...

    i hope you'll find some answer

  • i runned more test.


    the first time i play the layout, everything is fine.

    i die , retry . the bug is here. i die, retry . its gone. (and dont seem to come back)


    first time ok > goto lvl2 > ok

    i die : go back lvl1 > bug is here, die, retry, bug is gone (and dont seem to come back)

    level 1 ok > level2 ok >level 3 ok

    i die: checkpoint lvl3 > goto lvl3 >bug is here. die, retry , bug is gone (and dont seem to come back)

    i'd really appreciate some help on this..

    maybe i should done something with UID to avoid that ? but i dont know really how to use it.

    or maybe use a different organisation in my events ?

  • before restarting the layout i go through another layout where some global variables are saved and others are reseted. then the layout is restarted.

    thats was an anwser to "we don't know what your "load game" does." from unnatural.

    apart from that there is no other thing touched that differ from a simple restart layout order.

    so i still see no reason why this particular event : react differently the second time

    edit: i read somewhere that when an object is created, the following order are automatically set to it when it concern the same object.

    but , i dont know why, the second time, the order process all instance of the object and are not restricted to the object just created... WHY ?
