Maltanczyk's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • It works! Thank you very much for your help.

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  • Hi,

    I'm doing my first game and I have a problem. On the map is the main character and monsters. Monsters are moving on the platform. The main character got: Platform, Scroll To, BoundToLayout; Monsters: Platform. Layout size is 3224, 764; Windows size- 1700, 764. When I start the game the main character is in the lower left corner of the map on the ground. There is no movement of the screen. Monsters properly move on the platform. The problem occurs when I movement the main character to the center of the map and the camera begins to track the movement of the main character and scrolls. Then the monsters are falling from the platform and begin to move at the pace at which the camera moves. I will only add that if I set the windows size to the layout size and the screen will not move it all works properly. It seems as if the movement of the monsters was tied to the movement of the screen. Please help me.





  • Hi,

    I'm doing my first game and I have a problem. On the map is the main character and monsters. Monsters are moving on the platform. The main character got: Platform, Scroll To, BoundToLayout; Monsters: Platform. Layout size is 3224, 764; Windows size- 1700, 764. When I start the game the main character is in the lower left corner of the map on the ground. There is no movement of the screen. Monsters properly move on the platform. The problem occurs when I movement the main character to the center of the map and the camera begins to track the movement of the main character and scrolls. Then the monsters are falling from the platform and begin to move at the pace at which the camera moves. I will only add that if I set the windows size to the layout size and the screen will not move it all works properly. It seems as if the movement of the monsters was tied to the movement of the screen. Please help me.





  • Może tutaj tkwi gdzieś ten problem ??

    Dodam tylko, że postać ma dodane: Platform, Scroll To, BoundToLayout, a potworek: Platform.

    Gdy wyłączę opcję Scroll To problem znika i wszystko działa z tym, że się ekran nie przewija a tak nie chcę.


  • Gdzie móglbym Ci to podeslac ??

  • Mógłbyś może na to jakoś zerknąć ??

  • No niby tak, ale gdy gra się zaczyna a postać stoi w miejscu i nie dochodzi do tego miejsca od którego zaczyna przewijac się mapa wszystko jest w porządku. Gdy pokonam tą dolna przeszkodę, wtedy ekran śledzi ruch postaci i wtedy też wszystko się dzieje: potworki spadają i poruszają się w takim tempie w jakim porusza sie postać. Gdy dochodzę postacią maksymalnie w prawo i ekran znowu się nie porusza wszystko potworki poruszaja sie juz normalnie ale sa one na samym dole ...

  • http://

  • 1st: Once the game begins the main character is in the left corner of the map and all works ok image is in place.

    2nd: The main character moves to the right and takes her camera tracking. Image moves and monsters fall from the platform.

    3/4th: At the time of scrolling the screen left or right monsters all move at the same speed as the image scrolls.

  • ...

  • 10 posts