Malkavo's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Hi guys and thank you for your time.

    I'have a problem.

    I have exported my project and testing it on my android device.

    All work fine but when i try to watching a rewarded advert I facing out this problem:

    The layout orientation change (to landscape to portrait) while i watching AD, and when I finished to watch AD and close it, the orientation of my project return lo landscape but this bug my project (it's seem that not all layer are loaded).

    If I restart the layout, all seem work fine.

    The few time that i whatched a rewarded advert in landscape mode (the same orientation of my project) I has no problem and all work fine.

    So, there is a way to force advert in to landscape mode?

    Or someone have a suggestione?

    (I have try to rebuild my boundle apk without minyfing but seem still the problem)

    Thank you in advance for any help

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  • Really thank you and congratulation for your works!

  • Hi guys,

    I have a problem and I'll really appreciate any suggestione.

    My answer is the following:

    Can I take the current time from a device? For example, pressing a button Can I take the current time from MY smartphone?

    Ty in advance



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  • Hi I have exported my project in android and i have converted it in to apk with xdk. When i test my project with construct2 with my mobile device linked with wiifii connection, i haven't problem but when i play game (.Apk) done with xdk my device don't vibrate. Any suggestions?

  • Wow, ho potuto dare solamente un occhiata veloce, ma sembra molto bello il lavoro che stai facendo! Complimenti.

    Purtroppo non posso aiutarti con i tuo problemi.

    Buon lavoro!

  • Hi, i cant move right or left when i tilt my device (huawey y300)

  • 6 posts