I'm sorry if the subject is not match with my question.
so, I have 3 event sheet
-esmain (event sheet for main level)
-esmain2 (next level of esmain)
esglmain included in esmain and esmain2
<img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MLwr_TDGnJ8/UZ6qC0OAlMI/AAAAAAAAAo4/dNatKvEQMM0/s1600/tmp1.png" border="0" /><img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-uWZ-7iy2zhY/UZ6qDcR_KII/AAAAAAAAApE/EvpoLlWndco/s320/tmp2.png" border="0" />
in esglmain I load xml using ajax
<img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dnLmK1Eig9g/UZ6qDT3sL-I/AAAAAAAAApA/pVNK1BhxeOw/s320/tmp3.png" border="0" />
when I run the project, in main level, xml working well,
XML.NodeCount("/d/t[c='kota']/c") give a result 1 and this is correct
but when I'm in main level 2 (esmain2), that xpath give a result 0,
I don't really know where is my problem, because esmain and esmain2 have a same event, can somebody help?