mali's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • You should use one object with 26 animations which are the letters named after the letter, and trigger anything you want that way. You could even use 26 frames of one animation but I would definitely just make this one object only. It's not clear to me what functionality you are trying to do here, prompt a letter when a letter is clicked, but whatever it is, it'll be much easier with one sprite.

    i guess this will work.

    the functionality i wanted is to create educational app for kids where the user click/touch a letter then object,animal etc that begins with that letter pops up.

    e.g A for Apple , B for Ball , C for Cat ........ Z for zebra.

    i will try your suggestion

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  • i have several (26) sprite which each named as the alphabet e.g A B C D E ......... and each has images of things corresponding to its name.

    i have others (26) sprites having images of letter A B C D ......

    i created a family ObjectFamily with sprite A B C .... in it

    i created a family lettersFamily with letter A to Z images in it

    what i want is

    if a member of lettersFamily is clicked

    then show ObjectFamily with a name same as clicked instance variable text

    i can manually do this 26 times with each letter and corresponding sprite but this will be tedious

  • 2 posts