Magistross's Forum Posts

  • Yeah... the utility uses a lot of shody "Execute Javascript" calls with most of them relying on the presence of the jQuery library, it came bundled with the runtime back then.

    Turn the console on and you'll see a bunch of "$ is not defined" errors as you click the import buttons.

    You could try this :

    I tried for a bit and it seems to bring those dead buttons back to life !

  • The "Set character width" action should still work, and indeed it does, only not for the "space" character. It does work however if you actually map the space character, but you didn't have to previously.

  • Go ahead Mikal!

    I've noticed another weird thing, the space character has the wrong width when displayed (set character width has no effect), and it seems to affect the system ability to pre-wordwrap the text correctly.

  • This is interesting. It sounds pretty much like a bug. Local variables should be reset to their instantiation values every tick, not to 0.

    However, there's no reason NOT to set all variable to static, even more so if it corrects everything.

  • The template in general doesn't seem to work properly with the C3 runtime. I unfortunately doesn't have a C3 License and thus can't debug.

    If possible, you may want to set the project in legacy mode by using the C2 runtime, so the template works as it should.

  • I'd go for the Dragon Quest style of battle. It's easier to do all battle inputs and then process them in turn according to some kind of agility stat and other logic / randomness.

  • Just because you find this to be a "small problem" doesn't mean it shouldn't be adressed. There was absolutely no need to shut him down like you did.

  • It is a bug. His example is merely to showcase the problem. If you use line breaks in the "Compare two values", it becomes illegible.

    One might want to compare the sum of variables against another one and organise things with line breaks, only to get a mangled text as a result.

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  • The "Load image from URL" can be provided a data URI containing images encoded in base64 format.

    It should look something like this :


    This is a simple 5x5 red dot encoded in base64.

  • This basic example should be self explainatory.

  • > A simple workaround would be to do all lerping with another variable and then set camera.X to round(newVariable).

    That wouldn't really change anything. The lerp would still go to 13 decimal places out (every lerp in the project is doing that now that I look at it), and setting the camera would just snap it into place, which isn't what I want to do.

    Yes the lerp would still go to 13 decimal places but the X position would be rounded to the nearest integer, so your event would actually fire.

  • A simple workaround would be to do all lerping with another variable and then set camera.X to round(newVariable).

  • It's a bug inside the EasyStarJS library. The fix is quite simple and is already present in the up-to-date version. However, my plugin use the v0.4.1 version of the library... Until I find the time to update the plugin files, and if you're not afraid to delve into the javascript, you can edit the "easystar-0.4.1-custom.js" file, and correct all 8 calls to isTileWalkable(). You need to add "searchNode" as the 5th parameter.

  • If you are limited to C2, you can use a function to create something by name. Only thing is, you'll have to map each object to a particular string yourself.

    You can also use rexrainbow nickname plugin/behavior, if you're open to 3rd party plugins.

  • It might work as is, but there are a lot of implicit "for each". Doing a single explicit one will reduce the amount of iterations and thus, diminish the perceivable lag you have each second.