magic's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Thankyou so much for all your help and really quick replys.

    I managed to get it to work with your help from both of you.

    I can get on and do something else now make it more polished :p.

  • Feel like such a noob i can programme in basic aswell so this should be easy to me lol. I have already added it though on event 3: Text Add 1 to "Score" and then got it displaying variable.


    Can you try explain more i`m such a noob lol.

  • Still don`t work. i will upload cap.

    Download: ... einfo.html

    See if you can find what the problem is.

    Thanks for fast replay.

  • I can`t get my kill counter to work tryed everything. I`ve made a new private variable called Score and then got always - Text: Set Text to ""Score: " & round(Character('score')) in events. Why don`t it work i`ve followed the tutorial from ghost shooter. I used to be able to get it to work but never been on consturct in ages so got it today and can`t manage to make it work anymore.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks for the positive attitude

  • Yeah now i look it does look pretty crap but i am going to remake something better now.

    How do you do that 3d analyser

  • You lot are very harsh and yeah its kinda strange atm till i get everything going and the planes and stuff will change later they are temp atm for my testing everything out.

    If you can`t play this your graphics card must suck *** my cards 5 year old and can play pixel 2.0

  • This is my new game i am working on. Please suggest any names for the game.

    The game is just a really fun plane fighter game with a ok Ai system and enemy planes.

    Known Bugs:

    • Start pressed twice makes more of the players ships (Can be quiet fun) lol.
    • Planes shoot to many bullets.

    Please say if you find anymore. Please say any comments about the game and what i can add.

    More to come... New Features i will be trying to add.

    • Drop bombs
    • Easy , Medium , Hard
    • More physics with explostions

    Latest Pictures:

    If you do not have pixel shader 2.0 the water and writing should go back to normal if you have any problems with pixel shader please say and i will try fix.

    Download Beta 0.1

  • Well its not really a game just a test for me to see how the physics are working and stuff.

  • Yeah it is really simple atm because i can`t work out why my players go threw the physics and won`t collide only when i jump on them. Its still really fun to play around with and this is my first small game/test.

  • Oh sorry i didn`t know it was only 2.0 if you want i will change it to just normal.

  • This is my Attempt at a first game.

    Download here: ... s.exe.html

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  • I`ve just got the programme and i wanted to know how i can Parent my gun to my player atm its just a gun that moves with mouse and shoots but i can`t make it follow player.

  • 13 posts