MadScientist's Forum Posts

  • Wow. Thanks to you I managed how its work. All commands I mark with# and better way is always to show in textbox

    IF tokenat(Storyline.At(Step),1,"#") not equal 0 than tokenat(Storyline.At(Step),0,"#")

    and execute commands with find(Storyline.At(Step), "#FriendAppear") not equal to -1 which spawns FRIEND on spawner

    after this I do comparsion find(Storyline.At(Step), "#Right") not equal -1 which identifies UID of a spawner.

    Array text looks like this : "Hello my friend! Blablabla! #FriendAppear #Right"

    The greatest that I can switch places of commands like I want, and they call functions!

  • Thanks. I will give it a try. My problem is that in that guide I didn't uderstood too much because I am non englishe native. So words I did.t understood.

  • Hello! First of all thanks for your time. I am doing now a visual novel and I store all storyline in an array like a text. Sometimes I use commands there for starting animations or something like thise. So I started thinking of making instead of few separate values a one. Like on x=99 value "Hello friend #FriendAppear #RightSide". So I want textbox to show text "HelloFriend" and delete everything else and a SpawnerSprite under UID 22 (right side spawner) to spawn a FRIEND sprite. Any idea how I can make TextBox at least to recognise a #FriendAppear separate from other text or may be I have to do some manipulations with array? Coz a Compare Text not working like these. Thanks fo attention.

  • Do not really understand what do you mean. But I think for something like this you need a photoshop or other 3rd party photo editor. Better you place some screenshots.

    Is it critical to be a 1 file?

  • Wow. Thanks!

  • I want to save a known instance position to variable by it's UID. How do I?

    Also I would like to know how to do something to objest by it's UID.

    Need by text like >>> spawner.UID.x , spawner.11.x, spawner.UID(11).x . Tried many wariants. None work. Help.

    Thanks for your time.

  • Or instead of " timer for (speed 10 time)" you can make "Idle 1st frame" to have 2 first frames of your Idle animation and play them at speed 10 then switch to "Idle full" which have all other frames exclude only 1st frame but still have frame 2, and play it on speed 0.1.

    Like this you will get time of "speed 10" between frame 1 and frame 2 and time of "speed 0.1" between others. Should not glitch I think.

  • Ammm. May be I didn't understood right. But I would make this way. Make 3 animations. "Idle 1st frame", "Idle full" and "Hover".

    Condition (where yoou need) >> Then I start animation "Idle 1st frame" (which is actually 1 frame) >> timer for (speed 10 time)>>> Start animation "Idle full"

    Condition upon end of animation "Idle full" >> start animation "Idle 1st frame" >> timer for (speed 10 time) sec >>> Start animation "Idle full"

    You got a loop.

  • Purple if night theme.

    Green if day.

  • Not a multiplayer. I want textbox to show what admin type there so users can read. Like forum with only 1 post. Thanks for turtorials. I will find use to them. My main question that can i handle with construct such things as modification of text file on HOSTING side (not readonly).

    But I dealed with my problem using a firebase plugin -

    Question still have power? So can I save files on my hosting, using construct only.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • How can I save data to my hosting in most simple way.

    The idea is to make in my app an admin login and save textbox data to server, so users when get to app - will recieve this in same text box with read only property ON.

    I do not need any safe or unhackable ways. I just want to save from app an any text file on server and later to dysplay all it's content.

    Tried mysql plugin, but I don't know anything about mysql structure.

    Thank's for your time.

    p.s. also wanted to try json method, but I cannot find ways to save to json file, only read.

  • Wow. Thank you both! My game dont need collisions at all (now for sure). So I will remove them and also will try to do character select by animation. Thank you my heroes!

  • So I want to make something like character creation menu but I want to have many objects there without overloading a memory (Making project mostly for phones).

    Here is an image (example only for testing scripts)


    So I use [OnClick >> Destroy Character1 >> Spawn Character2 on sprite Postament (image point 1)] (Also later planning to move that to array).

    But if I remove Character2 from layer it will give me error. How can I spawn objects without loading all the set of objects in memory and not to make them annoy me being ouyside of layer??? Thanks for your time.

  • <img src="smileys/smiley29.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley29.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley29.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley29.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I was out of all this for a long time and dont understand this words: CPC, CPA, CPM

    Coins per click, coins per action, coins per M???

  • Ok. I managed allitle with plugin and have few questions.

    How can I see that my advertisments work, because when I tried to click on it - I didn't sow any changes on my account. I mean this -

    "We owe you $0.00. Click here to request a payout. Automatic payouts are on our to-do list! "

    Not a single $0.01. I have to be sure to have all working before releasing my app's. Or it is because I didn't published it on

    If so - this is bad, because I dont want to publish some my apps on and the reason is that nobody need them there, some of them made for not too large societies of mmo games. But anyway they are registered on and have a key which I use in plugin.


    P.S. In the end of the week will be released new beta version of Construct with updated Node which will support opening urls in new browser window(By the words of support).