The Maddog's Forum Posts

  • No word of a lie it took several seconds. Turns out the problem never existed and it was just my eyes decieving me. However, much appreciate the regenerate region method. Thanks.

  • Thank you dop, you have cheered me up. It works, but takes a few seconds for it to regenerate..

    However instead of scanning the entire map for new obsticles each time the block is created, is there a much more efficient way and this is just silly to have to rescan every single cell in the layout each time a block is created :(

    In the mean time I'll find a way and look for answers.

    Thank you again you are my hero <3

  • Have a player with path finding behaviour. Double clicking on map will tell the player to find a path to the mouse.x & mouse.y It finds the path and avoids all solids and does not travel through solids on start of layout. Will find path around said solid (obstacle)

    My game is an RTS game. New object that is placed in

    game is in fact solid. However this is not updated and the player sticks to the old obsticle map. I have tried for the solid wall that OnCreate - Player - Regenerate Obsticle map.

    This does not work, I am sad. Player and wall are on same layers. I do not know what to do, I am pathetic...

  • I have tried both, but I'll try again. Thank you

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  • I don't see any picture :(

  • Hi all,

    I have a Spotlight that doesn't want to point at the direction of my mouse. I have played around with both the SPotlight's & Players Image Points. I have tried setting the angle of the spotlight to point to the mouse.x & y and it still isn't working. Below I have supplied an image to try and give you an overview of what's going on.

    Any help is much appreciated. The players movement is 8 directional as well.

    Image upload isn't working so here's a link.

  • Very colorful forum, I like it. Really fits the theme of Construct.

    Goodjob, looking forward to seeing more updates in the future.

  • zenox98 Invaluable, thank you. Reading now!

  • Hi Maham,

    Here is a tutorial on Youtube of how to become an expert of making cars in Construct2. It's 17 minutes long and it will give you all the knowledge needed to overcome your problem.

  • 41kb per frame? So about 1MB (800KB) per sprite? Dunno....

    Try compressing better. Do you show it as 128px/256px? Or do you downscale? If so (for example, 64x64) the best thing to do is export the size u'll be using.

    Also, do you really need 20 frames? Tried already with lesser, to check smoothness?

    Will compress better and create size according to what I actually need. Unfortunately I have been resizing these sprites in the editor.

    Have you tried running the game in Debug Mode? What are the numbers for FPS, CPU, images memory usage?

    Try removing big portions of these grass sprites from the layout and see if FPS/CPU usage improves. Try deleting the entire grass object, disabling different event groups etc, and see what's affecting the performance the most.

    Thank you, I will reduce the number of sprites and check the FPS, CPU and image memoery usage.

  • Thanks plinkie, I'll try this out.

    Update: See 1st Post Above for Solution

  • Thank you both of you for your replies. I will see if I can fix this annoying issue once I have solved another annoying issue.

  • Hi all, I have spent hours trying to allow the user to drag a block in game onto the map. I have got it working so that the user can click on the block, drag it and drop it when releasing the mouse button. However, I would like so that when the user is holding the block that the user will be able to hold down the mouse button, and the block will duplicate and place itself. My aim is to allow the user to drag out a wall. Having to click & drag for each block of wall will likely turn future players against me.

    I have got the grid working so that it snaps to a grid size of 38 (block size is 38) and that the user can only interact with the drag and drop ability providing that the global variable of wood is =>1 otherwise it's disabled.

    Thank you all


    I'll post this again in hopes of it not being deleted.

    I have managed to find a solution to the issue I had above. This is for all of those that end up in the same situation looking for answers. Of course your way of doing what I wanted to do and achieve will be different but I am hoping that you will find some help in the solution below.

  • So this is what I’m doing. When landing on the planet, it’s just a Tiled Background of dirt, sand, snow or yellow snow. There are seasons, the seasons affect the GlobalVariable of clock. The clock controls the growth and placement of random shrubs, grass and saplings, as well as the day and night cycle and temperature too, not to mention wind, rain, snow and sun. *cough* Firestorm...

    Per shrub and sapling has 20 frames, they are PNG. They are between 128 - 256px and range from 31kb - 41kb per frame.

    Below I have gone in depth so that I can get the help that, I want to make sure that you all understand exactly what I'm doing so I can get the help that I need.

    Thank you for your help.

    I am making a Rim World clone in Construct2 but with my own very unique style. I am copying certain gameplay aspects of Rim World. Your life on earth in the year 2522 is ripped away from you. As an independent trader vessel, your job was to transport goods to and from Earth & Mars. Unfortunately your warp drive has a 1 in a quadrillion chance of having a fatal malfunction, this bends space and fires you through into unchartered territory. During this time your vessel is being ripped to pieces and you don't feel so good. Surprisingly whilst at the speed of light, you manage to vomit your way into your escape pod and after the whole ordeal you lose consciousness and wake up plummeting to an unknown planet of unknown origin. Oh no you say to yourself, I’m plummeting into a planet full of cyanide gas, but fear not! The escape pod is a cryopod and will not dump the panicking traveller onto a planet of which cannot sustain life. The year is unknown, is it the past, is it the future, how long have you been asleep, how long have I been travelling? ...What’s my name?! in time you will come to know.

    On landing, you and your droid are to survive, build, prosper and launch a spaceship into space of your own design in the later future to try and get back home. You will of course need to learn how to do many things, such as design a warp drive, a propulsion engine, a phaser ect ect … But fear not, located in your escape pod is your phone, it has no signal but it has with it every book to have ever existed. What’s the pin?!” ...erm. So no need for a research table, just sit down whilst snacking on a sandworm in candle light and learn how to make a wheelbarrow to how to make a propulsion engine, it’s all there once you can unlock your phone. Your droid is there to help you too. It will defend you, it will help you build and many more things that I have yet to come up with.

    During endgame, having researched the technology and built a spaceship and having launched into space you will be able to navigate your ship into an endless void, however certain things are bound to go wrong whilst your up there. My plan is to have you live on the actual ship you made for a set amount of days whilst holding off attackers from an unknown AI or life form ?

    Eventually the nasty AI or aliens that are out to get you will unfortunately destroy your ship. Lucky for you, you've always got your droid and escape shuttle in standby ready to fire you off into the next planet of which will have many different aspects from the last. Some good, some most unfortunately bad. The game is designed to get harder as the, I'm just going to call them aliens. The aliens will follow you, hence the game will become harder.

    The first planet will be of course be the easiest planet, much like earth. The 2nd planet and all those after that will be completely different in looks, gravity, time, weather and seasons ect ect…

  • Are you seeing all of that 500 (or more) grass sprites on the screen? or are they spread across the big layout and you see only few of them on the viewable screen?

    They are spread across the layout of which is 4096x4096, anything outside of the screen is set to invisible but not sure if setting their opacity to 0 would be better for this and then have their opacity set to 100 when on screen?

    During the summer season there can be 500 animating sprites at any given time on the players screen.