Hi guys!
I am a very veeery new beginner to construct. I am not using construct to create a platform game, but for my graduation project. I am making a ''tool'' regarding character development. I won't put down the whole story behind, it but really direct to the problem I have.
I have made screenshots but I have no clue how to include them to this post... Bit silly I guess. But I will try to explain my problem with words.
I have 5 sprites (I desiged them in cards) in a row with characters on it. The are all clickable. When I click on one card, all the other cards move behind the one I clicked on, so it shows only the character the user chose. I wantd to create the effect that the cards shove together because it kinda ''cardlike'' to do hehe.. So I gave the other cards the order to move their position ( with tween ) to the same coordinates as the card I clicked on. They are lying behind the clicked on card. So that works all fine. But whenever I click again on the card that I initially clicked on.. the whole thing goes wrong and all the coordinates are screwed up. I think that's because the cards behind the one I clicked on are still clickable even the are behind the other card.
So the question I had... Is there a way to disable the other cards behind the chosen one for a moment? If i say that those cards should be invisable than the sprites just disappear at once.. and then they will not use the tween to move their position, so they don't shove together anymore.(I would like to keep that because it gives some '' extra'' to it al and it's all not so abruptly).
I really reaallyy hope some gets at all what I am trying to say without the images.. I can images it does not make sense at all. But if this make sense to somebody and that somebody can help me out I would be very greatfull!!
Kind regards,
Lydia Lindeijer.