luxgud's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • The key word in my original post was 'easier'.

  • I think Construct is a fantastic 2D game dev system. I like every aspect of it. There is one area, however, that I wish could be made easier and that is, scripting access. In Unity, for example, scripting is added as a standalone script file that doesn't need manually inserting within the SDK code.

    I understand that Construct is primarily intended as a 'no code solution' but be able to add your own scripts easily wouldn't diminish this.

    Thank you

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • 1. When I created my first test physics 'game' on my PC, the box colliders on some bouncy boxes interacted correctly with the draggable bat I was hitting them with. When tested it over the web, however, the collisions were not as good ie sometimes the box would pass through the bat.

    2. Are there any additional tutorials on plugin development with the JavaScript SDK (other than velojets excellent work on Youtube)

    3. Is Clickteams Fusion 2.5 a good proposition for .exe and android development ? (I appreciate this is not the obvious place to ask about another application) My question is really linked in with question 2. as my requirement is to use a 2D game engine where scripting /programming is an option for more advanced students.

    Really impressed with Construct 2, highly addictive (should carry a health warning)


  • genius

  • Does anyone else understand the source code at Scirra ?

  • Hello, I am excited about the HTML5, particularly as I no longer like Flash much. I chanced upon this web site when looking for HTML game tutorials and here I am !

    BTW: will you offer educational discounts, say for a games lesson group of 20 ?

    Thank you.

  • 6 posts