lunarray's Forum Posts

  • Zathan

    Ah okay, you should make it a string first, so instead of "sprite.X,sprite.y", you should use

    str(sprite.x) & "," & str(sprite.y)


    sprite.x & "," & sprite.y

  • Zathan

    It actually work, but you have to insert it inside a double quote. For example, if you want to set target to position 300, 300. You have to write "300,300", with quote and comma.

    Also if you want to enter target angle, you would still need to enter it inside a double quote "90".

    The reason for this is because C2 editor did not let me set different UI for target whenever user changed the tween target (position, angle, etc). If it is position, it will need two value, X and Y, but for angle it would need to accept single value. The only thing i could do then is to make it a string/text in double quote, and the tween will automatically sets the right target value from the text.

    Because back then I thought create/initialize tween would not be used by most average user, I choosed to implement it like this, and if I change it now to accept two value, it will break so many people project that already use it for the last two years, they would have to fix so many things.

    I know it is not convenient but there's not much i can do with it.

  • kantin

    Is this link working for you? ... n_ref.capx

    I tried downloading it from the first post and it work, or maybe this is not the one you need?

    Just a reminder for this one you will need EaseTween behavior not the LiteTween. If you don't have it yet, download for that behavior is on my first post.

  • Maybe I understand it wrong, but is it something like this? ... speed.capx

  • cedricvr

    Sorry is it possible to give me the capx to reproduce it? It is hard to really understand the circumstances of the bug without it

  • Sorry all for the late answer, got abit of things to do irl.

    Sorry for the late answer, could you please elaborate more about 'speed of movement that is running the tween'? I don't really understand, do you mean something like 'current velocity of the tween?' i assume you are trying to make some kind of doppler effect?


    I think it should be stable enough, I will put it on first page like usual. Thanks for the interest


    I will check it out it looked like i already lost that file during my harddrive crash two years ago, and that demo is for EaseTween, not LiteTween. But I'll go check it out later and try to find it if you dont mind waiting.

  • AnD4D ...

    Hello, can you try this one? I plan to release this later if it turns out stable. It has "Set Easing Parameter" action, you can try setting a and p for elastic tween. For now you can't change the parameter of bounce tween though.

    For now, it is:

    Parameter a and p for elastic

    Parameter s for back

    Parameter t is unused.

  • Herks

    You can use Sprite.LiteTween.Progress expression for that.

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  • resdesign

    Adding variable is one of the best and recommended way to do it (tracking state), or you can use LiteTween's progress state as a trick too.

    This is one simple example using LiteTween progress state. I wouldn't recommend using it for a more complex screen flow where you have branches, etc though. ... tween.capx

    If you want to do it with the proper way, it is better to use a state machine, or a variable to track that state. But that example works for simpler cases.

  • resdesign

    Left button click fire for all overlapping sprite, in this case when you click on intro, the help below are clicked also eventhough it is being obscured by the intro. That is why both event fired up. You have to keep track of the current state of the UI and handle only the click accordingly.

  • le Canapin

    I don't have time to test it yet, but i have a guess about it. Maybe it happened when the first angle is a bigger number than the target angle. For example, tweening from 245 to 15? It is better to add 360 to the 15 if the target value is bigger from the source value. Could you test it and tell me how it goes?

  • mzeid

    First thing first, EaseTween's ping pong is different from LiteTween ping pong. So, easetween ping pong works by doing tween back and forth, while litetween pingpong reverse the seek bar of the tween. It is easier to differentiate if you see how they work in practice.

    Okay, now for the ping pong stop, you just use ping pong (accessible from the start action), and then add 'On Reverse End' Condition for the sprite (or anything you tween), then put action Sprite.LiteTween.Stop.

    In LiteTween you might end up taking more events to control your tween, but in the end, that is how it should be. EaseTween is more comfortable and powerful, but the idea of making LiteTween is to make is more light, and to delegate all the play control to the even sheet.

  • Zebbi

    It would be so much work and also, it will be a dirty hack to make litetween override the default rotation/angle caveat for all common plugins, even only for Sprite it is already alot of work >.<. I think it is really something that should not be implemented at behavior level.

  • Zebbi

    Ah, now i understand what your problem is. I have one trick that might work, without messing up with the javascript SDK, but it probably won't be a clean simple solution like you want. The trick would be making two sprite, and use one for the jumping 'tween' and the other for the height tween. I'll just post the example capx here, maybe you want to take a look. ... rigin.capx

  • Zebbi

    Oh, in that case, in construct 2, you can define different origin for every animation or even frame. So you can have center origin for the sommersault animation, while keep using bottom origin for the running, walking and crouching animation. LiteTween would always use the origin instead of ImagePoint, because it is only a behavior attached to something like sprite. The actual rotation is done by the official sprite plugin. It is possible to code LiteTween so that it would override how Sprite rotation behave, but I think it is not good if I override the default rotation provided.