Adding this should help you achieve the effect:
Also consider increasing the rotation speed so the characters quickly snap into the correct angle.
As for the animations, all you need to do is check the angle of the Player/Enemy Controllers and apply the animation to the characters based on that.
- For example, if Enemy_Controller angle is between 315 and 45, set Enemy animation to "Right".
You can use the condition "Pick Children" to access the Graphic object belonging to the controller.
- For example: Condition1 -> Enemy_Controller -> Pick Children -> Enemy.
Condition2 -> Enemy_Controller angle is between 315 and 45
Action: Enemy -> Set Animation to "Right"
Since you used the Condition 1 to specifically pick the child of the Enemy_Controller, it will only change the animation if it's its own child.
Same applies to the Player.
Thanks again! You're awesome! :D