Lucried's Forum Posts

  • Bonjour(acting frenchie )

    I got a issue. I was following GHOST TUTORIAL and i came across a problem...

    When my character Shoots the bullet doesn't shoot from the gun but from the top..

    I did use IMAGE POINT but it still doesn't work.

    Please Fix this problem :


  • Now now, no need to rush. Just take your time ironing out the kinks and have fun being creative!


  • Adding music should be easy enough. I believe the tutorials page on the wiki has a link for an "adding sound effects plus music" tutorial. Plus, the "Verve! A game of skill!" topic has instructions on how to do just that.

    I played it, and I thought it wasn't too shabby. It's short and to the point, and while I could have stood to see some different levels, I liked how the challenges were always different. I wish you would have used the gravity changers more- those were pretty neat.

    Some things DO need to be addressed should you ever release a version 2 or something:

    -There is absolutely no point in having the "how to control the game" node so far away from the player, who (by the time he or she has reached the node) already figured out how to jump. Players need to know how to control from the get-go, and there was an awkward period when I started the game where I kept on pressing buttons to figure out how to jump.

    -If there is going to be one maneuver, jump, then I think it should be the space bar. Just a preference of mine, since it kinda makes things simpler (and on some computers if you repeatedly press shift the computer makes a nasty noise and a pop-up shows up asking you some technical jargon)

    -I think the bunny hop thing is kinda superfluous; it doesn't really need to be there. You can just uncheck that box on the Construct application page, under properties>>"Allow bunny hop"

    -Most importantly, some of your levels rely on you finding secret passages. While this is a good idea in and of itself, I think there is a serious design flaw in play when the player is completely and utterly clueless on how to proceed, relying on trial and error.

    Take for instance, the "that spike looks weird" level. I had no clue what that meant, so I repeatedly rammed into every available spike until I found the solution. I think there should be a graphical cue to nudge the player in the right direction: maybe a slightly different appearance or some off-coloring, or something. I mean, the text itself wasn't even close to the spike in question; I kept on experimenting on the wrong set of spikes till I finally gave up and tried EVERY one of them till I found the one.

    So mainly, I think that graphical cues are important to find out secret passages and what-not, because without out it, it turns into "let's ram into every tile to see if it works this time" which is anything but fun.

    Now, on the positive side, I like the graphics used, and I like the simplistic concept. As stated earlier, I liked the increasing complexity of the levels (though some of the levels where you just placed one orb close to a spike were a let-down, considering the cool levels that happened prior to that); some of the mechanics (like the blue orbs and the gravity machines) were pretty cool and unique.

    A lot of the mistakes here are what I'd call beginner mistakes, but the good thing about beginner mistakes is that they often can be easily rectified as the maker grows in skill and knowledge. I think if you ever do plan to release an updated version of this game, you should focus hard on removing the superfluous and unneeded aspects of the game, and focus on the fun bits. There is a good core here, it just needs a lot of polishing.

    Thanks for the comment. i will fix the following things you mention! I'll update it in 1 ~ 3 hours with extra levels, Maybe 10 more~!

  • My game "Cube Hostile" was completed 1-11-11, due to construct's issues i couldn't upload it.

    i was able to get .exe because of irbis!

    no music since i didn't know how to add it!


  • [quote:26q6kuzq]And your stupid... your an amazing graphic artist!! haha

    i wish!

    remember to show me your game with updated sprites i am curious how it works and i need to see it in action to be sure if it looks good

    alright ^ ^~~ BACK TO WORK! haha

    Thank you so much man

  • > Whoa 2 hours?!?! and i can't download because the page says Server not found


    hmm thats odd. oh well. then download via this link and tell me does it work

    and 2h... well. I could propably finish it in about 15 minutes but thats my problem... I have hard time making myself satified. So i work, delete, work again, delete, rework, delete ect ect till i am either satified or tired. And sadly, in most cases it ends because of that 2nd reason lol

    Exactly like with the game i am currently working on. The task is simple. just about 20 semi-isometric tiles which should be done in less then an hour. Yet, its already my 5th hour and its still far from finished.

    and seriously - above everything its because i just suck as a graphic artist ;PP

    it worked ;D!! Thanks bro~~

    if something takes along time for me i just do it simple.. but i was reading on the fourm saying that making games can take up to 2 months + and yeah... so i felt dumb trying to make a game that takes a day to make

    And your stupid... your an amazing graphic artist!! haha

  • Whoa 2 hours?!?! and i can't download because the page says Server not found

  • Irbis

    there so cool! but i can't download and we have 7 hour difference so sorrry for the late response

  • abhilash2863

    Hmm i'll add more jump, and you vibrate cause of the door's force duh! hahaha

  • Okay! ^ ^ thankyou and good night!

  • Irbis

    Ahh! So this?

    Hmm and the resolution should be 740 by 480 :O

    is that what you needed?

  • > Irbis

    > i would gladly take the offer haha! i'll let you know when im done!


    sure! ill be glad to help!

    just give me the orgins, resolution and theme + commentary and i am ready to go !

    oh! sorry im still new using Construct and i have no idea what those are

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Irbis

    i would gladly take the offer haha! i'll let you know when im done!

  • Hey! Here's my first game that turned out actually good!

    So far theres 5 levels but the first game will have 20!

    There WILL be a sequel to this game~ so please leave me a response what i should add/remove!


    Screen shots :

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    <img src="">


  • Platform behavior has an action that inverts controls.

    i fixed the whole left = right, right = left, but another problem came up!

    When character walking Right he looks Left and vice versa