luckyrawatlucky's Forum Posts

  • miketolsa

    please tell me

    If this works for you

  • Even I was too frusted.

    I have somewhere found regarding "Official Google Play Service Plugin" Not works in mobile in only works for Browsers.

    so you have to use cranberry's Plugin

    Follow these steps

    Open developer account >> game services >> select your app

    Linked App >> Select Android

    Fill you app name >> fill your package name

    paste your SHA1 Code

  • here is some explanation of doing this

    You can read this

  • his name is

    If you are success in login but fail to submit to view leaderboards

    then check that you have paste leaderboard ID correctly sometimes extra space comes while pasting codes

  • Ashley

    I built app without crosswalk

    without Crosswalk it gives a small size apk

    I want a try with this

    but sound is not playing What should I do for playing sound without Crosswalk

  • Hi

    I have renamed your looping music as BG Music & one sound effect renamed as "collision"

    So if I use your looping music or one sound effect and other sound effect by any another person

    then How to credit you for that

    I should write "BG Music" & "collision" by Eric Matyas,

    or should write Original Name of the music & Sound Effect

  • I am working on this Project

    Its ready for launch

    is uploaded for Testing, Submit is in Processing.

  • You have to link API with your project

    in developer console you can do this

  • I am a non-programmer & I am working in branch of a advertising agency as a graphics designer, and having very small salary

    Now days I am free from any work so loves to do work in C2

    Office has internet connectivity so I do all stuff related to net

    like searching, posting, finding solution, some experiments with C2

    after 8 hours duty

    I have 1 hour part time duty more

    after that rest 1 hour in home and then Start my pc and works in my project

    their is not internet in home So all the data I get from office I revised and do practice on what i have got, I do practice on Sunday too.

    I have started a project from last September and still working on that

    The reason on working in a project from a long time is when i was beginner (Now i have above 5000 reputation, So I am not a beginner) My problem was my English. If I take any tutorial it taken so many hours to understand that what is written and what they have done in the tutorial. So my learning process is slow, is the reason of my slow speed on my project

    Most of the things I get from the forums & tutorial which are the needs of my project. But I don't want to just copy or paste the matter. i was wish to learn it, grab it every little point had take time to be fit in my mind. for example : variables, approx 1 month time consumed (4-5 hours daily, 5 days in week) to understand that what are variable, what they do, and what I can do with that. Now you can guess what pain I am having. countless problems I have got in my project. Most amazing part is, half of them I have solved in my dreams, I was also doing work In my dreams specially solving problems & I got.

    sometime problems that I already solved they comes back with another reasons, that was a big headache to me

    Now I have done my project complete but still having some problems.

    Soon I'll post my test game and link I'll post in forum

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Yes I'll definitely send you link

    but first I'll upload my game in testing

    One thing i want to confirm you that one of you looping sound i have taken and for me that sound was little fast I have make it 20% slow. I hope You never mind for this modification.

    and I'll post my game for testing and link will post in the forum.


  • Hi i am using your work in my project & Thanks for making it & avail it for commercial use

  • I am using intel xdk to compile

    cordova is coding, that I don't know



    How to use it in C2

    How to install this type of plugin

    I never see any files like other available in C2 Plugin folder

    I am a non-programmer and don't know anything about installing it and use it in c2

    is their any tutorial if yes please give me link


    I have to wait for you C2 plugin that will be so simple

  • can I make this type of sharing option in my game using any inbuilt feature or by any free plugin

    Screenshot URL

  • It may be a bug

    i have reported this to bug section

  • I have posted this in how do i Problem in Adding Points when Advt. video closed, but Now i feel like this is a bug may be, So you can delete that post

    Problem Description

    ____ Extra Points are adding automatically when Advt video closed ____

    Attach a Capx

    ____ capx file ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ after closing advt video it should add only 10 points but it is adding 20, 40, 50 points, every time when I restart the app in mobile It gives a different result ____

    ____ Its is working good means giving expected result only when I delete all other layouts ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • global variable "Point"
    • On button click > play advt video
    • on video closed > add 10 points to "Points", save to local storage update text
    • make 2 extra layouts link them as in my caps

    Observed Result

    ___ adding extra point automatically

    Expected Result

    ____ on video closed it should add 10 points only ____

    ____ always when app restart by closing app and again open ____

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 7 ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ 228 ____