I've been using C2 for 2 months, made a ton of prototypes, and made one real unpublished game that I might be uploading soon, and I want to make a multiplayer game...
is this hard? Am I pushing it a bit too much? I've seen a template for it, but what do I have to do after I download the template?
Cool -
Good luck, hope to see the 2nd one soon
ryanrybot Squiddster's tutorial for some reason didn't work..
And everyone, note that this game is going to be a PUZZLE game with no enemies ( — ), and it will look like a platformer, for instance there will be a ground and a wall to shoot.
TMAJA I mean I want it to, well, its a bit hard to explain, lets say you stuck a laser beam at a wall, it wouldnt dissapear, it wouldnt shoot through the wall, it would just kind of deflect, heres an image example : ... er-gun.jpg
It just cuts the part that would be going through the wall off.
One of the players in my game shoots a laser beam, but when it hits a block it goes right through it.
How could I make it invisible under the block?
I've already thought of moving to bottom of layer, but then it could still show depending on how I made the level.
This happens to me when I take a break and realize I havent saved for the past 5 hours and have to completely restart >.<
If you feel like the first one isnt full gameplay, I would just either call it a prototype, beta, etc.
and call the 2nd the normal one and work harder on it.
Or, just make FNWAC 1 look better and fell funner.
Does anybody know?
ahadzeb I mean, so the it scrolls, but everything looks small, because the screen focuses on alot.. I want it to make the stuff look larger, more close up to the screen.
Any help?
I want my scrolling to be focused really close on the player, not zoomed out more, how can I zoom this in? Sorry, only been using C2 for 1 1/2 months now.
Kyatric ... .capx?dl=0
Newer download /\
Most of the things that involve the bosses code are labelled under a comment, the comment normally says 'boss' in it,
the event sheet it's on is "Events"
I have made it so now all you have to do is mine some dirt a bit to get to level 1 and it'll skip to the boss fight.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I want to know this too.
After I die from a boss fight, I come back and for some reason level up, so the boss fight stops, because the boss fight is only on level 3.
Heres the download : ... .capx?dl=0
Please help <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed">