Lucky Star's Forum Posts

  • I kind of need to know this as well for my game.

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  • Thanks, I always looked for something like that by right-clicking,

  • Radulepy But the player needs to KEEP the level, on the top it shows text saying level : (level #)

    and other code I'm soon going to make will rely on that, such as if I want his weapon/clothes to upgrade once the player reaches, lets say, level 4, or a boss fight will occur on level 10.

  • Okay, I have this code : When XP is greater or equal to 100, change level up by 1 and show text "LEVEL UP!", wait 3 seconds, fade "LEVEL UP!". Once I reach past 100, it starts constantly level upping because it runs the action more than once..

    how could I stop this?

  • Thanks (I always looked for the word 'copy' when I right clicked, not 'duplicate')

  • In my game, the layout that you play on is randomly selected, from 1-10 layouts.

    I want to copy the code and sprites from the first layout on to those layouts quickly, because those use pretty much all the code from the first layout, it just has rearranged platforms. Is there any strategy to doing this?


  • I'm making a "bullet hell game" It should have 2d but not pixel-y or low quality graphics, but not entirely 3d.

    An example of the graphics is a game called

    add an http:// to the front, cause I deleted that so I could post the link.

    nevermind, it works as a link.

    I've been thinking of making the characters out of painted cardboard that was painted on for the colors and take a picture of it with a white background, then remove the white background with paint.NET

    but overall it might make the graphics look a bit too wierd, but if you think this is actually a good idea, please tell me.

    If I use OpenGameArt I wont feel happy with myself knowing I just took it off the web ;(

  • Thanks !

  • Thanks I found out it was locked and unlocked it.

  • So I have one layer called "things" and another 2 for the background called "Starfield" and "Background". I unchecked "thing" so it would only focus on the background, checked it again, now I cant move anything thats not the background or starfield.

  • I have Anime Studio pro ten but it was installed on my now broken computer and I lost the key

    I have inkscape, but I cant really imagine it doing the type of graphics I need for the game I'm currently making.

  • I know, you read this thinking "seriously.. he dosent know how to select a sprite?"

    I do, but I went to a different layer, then came back to the main layer, and I couldnt select anything!

    Please help!

  • Please help

  • It works


  • Do something and get ideas from that something you're doing....

    thats what I do..