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  • Search the completed addons section for plugins by arsonide

    He's got beyond awesome procedural generation stuff. Also, depending on your approach, if you need object memorization, or picking beyond construct's regular ability, the s plugin provides a lot of power in that regard at the expense of a steep learning curve.

    You need to decide what type of procedural thing you want to do, like will it be like worms? Spore? Or towerclimb. You'd probably have a different approach, what did you have in mind.

    You should always try tlo translate your words in to events or code if you get stuck. For instance

    We want powerups to appear randonly for a player at random spots

    If(random( 20)==5)
          Create powerup at random(1000),random(1000)[/code:1oj4sjxw]
    That means every tick there's a 1 in 20 chance of getting a powerup
    That's not what we want tho, we don't want them to appear, but to be at the next part of the level, and go by distance from the lastpowerup, not time passed
    Only if its further than some predetermined required distance:[code:1oj4sjxw]
    If (distance(character.x,character.y,character('lastpowerupx'),character('lastpowerupy') is greater than character('requireddistance') [/code:1oj4sjxw]
    Then create it off the screen on the rightside
    [code:1oj4sjxw]-----create powerup at scrollxright+10, floor.y[/code:1oj4sjxw]
    Set the new required distance randomly between 500 to 1500
    Set lastpoiwerupx and y variables to the new powerup position
    -----character set pv 'requireddistance' to random(1000) +500
    -----lastpowerupx = powerup.x
    -----lastpowerupy= powerup.y[/code:1oj4sjxw]
    You want to factor in current health, etc, add some pvs, and/or conditions, and/or actions, and you're on your way, when its not right because it appears too close to walls, and an extra condition that checks for that, or whatever., and keeping tweaking and adding until its where it needs to be.
  • wow. kid is definitely a genius. and the patience, my god.

    [quote:jjg8fhf2]That's dedication.


  • as for adding animations, I had a look, and even started the basics, and it's not difficult, but it is time consuming, and I'm afraid I don't have the time right now afterall. I might at some later time, but I'm trying to meet a deadline with my current project, and it's going to take a little while.

  • It worked for me, just copied in the effect folder and it is available (using Classic r1.2)

    thanks for replying sved. I just redownloaded it and it worked fine

  • construct ide has become very unstable lately, and I've recently added some subgroups (groups within conditions or other groups), but there had been some there for a while, and everything was ok. only around 200 events.

    it'll just randomly crash, usually when I'm expanding or collapsing something with a plus sign, whether that be a group, or an event with subconditions, etc

    the runtime is fine

  • I want to do something like the mask/erase effects for construct, but via a plugin. the plugin will be drawing textured quads, and I want to be able to take, say, 100 quads, and have that applied as a mask to the next 100 quads. if the answer of how to do this is too involved, it would still be useful to me to know if it's possible at all, so I don't go on a wild goose chase.

  • ask your friends and/or alteregos vdrake, and xzalion. they seem to be affiliated

  • k, latest addition is the intersectx, and intersecty expressions

    they aren't on the expression list, but they work ... r/math.rar

    example cap here: ... ection.cap

    these give you the point at which two lines intersect

    you can do this 4 ways

    specify 4 xy coordinates:



    specify 3 xy coordinates(the first two form a line, the 3rd is assumed to be on a perpendicular line):



    specify 4 objects



    specify 3 objects (the first two form a line, the 3rd is assumed to be on a perpendicular line):



    all 4 methods are available in the example cap, just toggle them on and off

  • thank you, that was the problem


    and it's still not allowing random expression names,as in

    ""whatever" is not an expression in object"

    and it won't let me close the expression dialogue

    am I missing something somewhere else?

  • oh, i didn't know tiled bg could do that. I wouldn't have bothered. I'll take a look at adding that feature. I didn't realize it was in demand. it might not be too bad.

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  • I want battle test this a little before I put it in completed add-ons, if it ever goes there at all

    this is all barebones, as I just made it for personal use, and I didn't implement several sprite features, but it may be useful as is to someone else as is, as well.

    it's just a modified sprite plugin that allows you to have a different image for each instance of the sprite. as of now it doesn't even let you change each instance in the editor, but you can load the frames at runtime.   i didn't make it work with animations either.

    I haven't tested it with changing layouts, so if someone else cares to, let me know how it goes. I don't think that'll work either tho, without reloading the frame info. the part of the code that'd do that tho is shared with something I changed so it might work, if not, and someone really needs that feature, let me know, i can probably add that really easily

    download here(including rojohound's update)

    in case you're wondering what use this might serve, it's for editors, where you need to load frames in the editor, and then again when the level, or whatever is loaded in game, and you don't know how beforehand how many different images will be needed

  • hmmm...anyone know if these changes in speed over several layouts was a problem before this latest version. just want to make sure I didn't introduce this bug with the "plays nice with other plugins" fix

  • There will be no way to compare the numbers exactly, unless you're some super programmer. The best way will be to put an emulator running megaman on one side of the screen, and keep tweaking the values until they feel right, if he doesn't jump high enough, increase jump strength, too much now? Reduce it a little. It probably won't take very long either

  • vsync to some lower framerate like 30fps

    and then see if it's consistent