New plugin release!
- Direct drawing mode can now use bounding box data created in Spriter.
- Added animationLength and speedRatio expressions
- Fixed a bug where mirror and flip actions wouldn't apply while animations were paused
Scml objects can now use bounding boxes precalculated in Spriter for correct clipping and effects.
To use this feature, in Spriter, simply click on the box icon on the animation widget. Use settings roughly like what you see below:
framerate: In order to calculate a bounding box that takes tweening into account, Spriter will go through the animation at a set framerate. 60 is recommended.
padding: Extra pixels added to each side of the bounding box to ensure that frames in between the above calculated don't go slightly outside. 0 is probably fine for most cases, but 1 or 2 pixels isn't going to affect your performance and makes doubly sure.
The best workflow would probably be to run the calculation once on all animations the first time you use it, and each time you add an animation. After that, only bother recalculating the bounding box if new animation changes massively affect the bounding box, or if you notice any clipping at runtime. And of course, run it once before shipping or demoing your game.
And finally. I apologize for the late replies everyone. Things have been a bit hectic with the contest and Spriter release.
I am sorry, but I don't get it... I don't know what the function is for...
If I'm understanding you correctly, it's not used for that purpose. For pinning the entire Spriter character to a box, just use the pin behavior. But say you have a C2 object. We'll call it Fire. And you have an scml object, and you want the fire attached to the character's hand. Without this action, it would always lag a tick behind if you used something like Every Tick - set Fire position to {scmlChar.objectX("hand"),scmlChar.objectY("hand")} for the above mentioned reasons. This action let's you set the position every tick in the same way, but it waits until the scml plugin's post-tick calculations are made before moving the object, so it doesn't lag behind.
Hello again
lucid . I think I have found some bugs.
It doesn't mirror afterwards
If I fully understood, this issue is fixed with today's release. Let me know if I missed anything.
lucid - And about the Skins(Experimental) does that feature affect largely on performance? I am making a game for mobile & I want to make sure that it doesn't use up a lot of memory & cpu like the physics plugin. Thanks.
he skins feature is not currently supported on any game engines (as far as we know). We're currently working on a more complete skin mode for Spriter 2, which will be a free upgrade to all current Spriter Pro owners. No ETA on that yet.
lucid, not sure if this is right place to post, but is there any way using Spriter to replicate the following action:
Wait PlayerSprite.AnimationFrameCount/PlayerSprite.AnimationSpeed
I can't use the on animation finished trigger as the wait takes place inside a for loop between a series of actions
mmm. I'm not sure I understand. You want to use a wait command and you need to know what expressions you need for it to give you the current amount of time it should take the animation to play? If so that would be animationLength/speedRatio (both new expressions. Really surprised animationLength never came up before).