I was using the "control is pressed" in the plugin, not the mouse/keyboard. It does not work in a my game or in your example CAP on my system with version 0.99.42 vof construct.
use new link in original post
problem fixed
thanks for reporting it
also, I was going to ditch the deadzone tweaks I had added to the 360 controls because I thought that was fixed in this version. there should be an update soon that fixes those problems where you press left and it goes up.
also, I'm going to change the way you set images for 360 controls
it's a ridiculous pain. tell me what you think of this system
you load all the images into an animation, so you can just import them from a directory
there is a specified order you put them in, and then you just tell it which sprite it is
you will also put blank frames if you're missing an image or don't wish to include one.
it is a slight inconvenience to have to rearrange all the frames in the animation editor to the correct order, but nowhere near as annoying as loading all the sprites individually, or setting up individual actions for each image
what do you think?