lucid's Forum Posts

  • lerp(a,b,t) is a math function that lets you find a value between two other values

    • a is the first value
    • b is the second value
    • t is a number between 0 and 1 that decides how far between a and b you want the value to be
    • 0 is all the way at a
    • 1 is all the way at b
    • 0.5 is halfway between

    to better understand it

    try this exe:

    experiment with different values for a,b,t until you have a firm grasp of how it works

    simply type in values for a and b, and drag the red slider to set values for t

    try me!

    watch the equation change, and watch the bar at the bottom

    lerp can be used for everything from health bars, to color fades, smooth angle changes, to smoothly fading sound effect volume. you can also use it in a loop to set up a bunch of sprites in a neat line. there are endless uses. once you understand what it does, you'll find it comes up often as a useful tool when designing games

    if you have any questions about how to do any of the above mentioned, or if lerp simply still doesn't make sense. please ask away

    once you have a firm grasp on this, you can easily learn cosp, qerp, and cubic, which are even more awesome

    update: here's another tutorial with qarp and cubic=

    lerp/qarp/cubic tutorial

    math is power

  • numbers smaller than 0.1 format very ugly

    is there a way to format something so it just shows up how you'd expect it to?



    I just want it to say


    but instead it formats to


  • yeah,

    insert new event/condition


    ---------sprite-set angle

    would be a good way to test it


    do the ghost shooter tutorial

  • no sorry man. I can't think of a time it's even been mentioned, and I've been here for a while

  • if I remember correctly, for previewing you may have to copy it to the preview directory as well,

    where temp.exe is stored. I don't remember for sure though,

    for win7 that's


  • that should work

    I'm assuming you're using the condition?

    if so, this condition doesn't automatically pick the correct instance, since you can put any two arbitrary expressions in there to compare.

    so it may be comparing the wrong 2 instances of the objects

    there must be a condition above it picking the two you want. the first that comes to mind is grouping them and doing a for each object condition, or using the object pairer

    if you can post a cap file, or a screenshot of the events in question, it'd be easier to diagnose

  • Try Construct 3

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  • why Rainbow Dash is the most popular pony?

    actually I think pinkie pie is my favorite, rainbow dash is the awesomest looking though

    I know this is probably getting ahead of ourselves, but I'm curious: if for some reason, the need arose to start again from scratch, say 5 years down the road, and this had become a fulltime job. would this new from the ground up version be included in people's already existing subscriptions like any other incremental build, or would it count as something separate?

    also, any eta's on the re-sourceforging of the runtime?

    and of the early adoption availability? I know it's asap, but is that like days, weeks, or months? gotta plan my finances accordingly

  • set sprite angle to 180

    this is a sprite action, not a bullet action

    choose an angle it flies in that direction

  • > I'm not sure how Construct credibly proves its worth against Game Maker. GM is mature, stable, actively developed, has an HTML5 exporter (among others) and costs ?25 and also has future proofing in terms of upgrades - usually just to the next version. Game Maker has already survived 12 years; Construct is going on 4 with limited success.



    100% my thoughts.


    If you think Game Maker is better than Construct, I don't really have anything to say. You're welcome to use it. We think Construct 2 is better, that's all. Each to their own. GM also appears to be primarily a scripting tool, it doesn't appear many people use the event system. Construct 2 is entirely an event based system.

    Well, actually, this comparisons and questions is what people will ask when they'll choose between GM and C2. First you have to convince them that the difference in price is justified

    Gm is stable. C2 will be stable. The whole point of this discussion is that we want c2 to be actively developed. Were at gm8 now in 12 years that means that on average you'd have to pay for it more often than once every 2 years to stay up to date. C2 has an html 5 exporter, others on the way. Of course c2 is new as opposed to mature. I'm not sure what's changed in 8, but here was my experience with 7 and c0.9x and why it was easy to change over

    Keep in mind I don't say this to bash gamemaker,. This is just my honest comparison

    Construct is fast, I can do 1000's of things per frame with no slowdown. Gm completely choked at less than 500, I did tests and this choking would happen even if the command was a simple null command.

    Gm is useless without scripting. This isn't just my opinion, this seems to be the prevailing opinion among gm veterans. C1s scripting system wasn't even used much at all until about last year, because it wasn't needed.

    There was a full decompiler available for gm7s slow interpretter.

    And its much quicker to develop for constructs more advanced engine than it was for gms clunkier one. You can whip up a proof of concept for almost any gameplay type in minutes with construct.

    Construct 1 aside from stability was vastly superior to gamemaker. So if you believe the developers when they ay c2 will be stable, then its a no brainer. If not, or if you need a fully matured product now, then the choice is just as obvious.

    Gamemaker is like a fun learning toy, that you can use to make some basic and limited games. Construct is a serious tool, that's even more fun than gamemaker.

    I know this type of talk bothers some people for one reason or another, ibut I don't say it to belittle gm users, or because I'm a c1 fanboy. There's just no comparison. Fromwhat I hear mmf is closer in power and potential, but I haven't tried it

  • I know its a little childish, but its also fun. How bout a special symbol, or customizable tag under the avatars of the prepurchasers?

  • Also, muur

    I originally came from gamemaker and kept wanting to know about using scripting, because in game maker that's the only way to anything serious. Construct is not like that. Users have made everything from procedurally bone animated characters to 3d lighting and physics(neither is a built in feature) only using events, with no python. Quazi made a 3d game where you can use an in game editor to custom skin your character and save and load the skins. Definitely try eventing, it's much quicker(quicker to create stuff, it runs about the same speed) to use than python, and simpler, but unlike gamemaker and some other point and click gamemaking apps, its actually superpowerful. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. If you want to give some examples of things you'd like to do, I and other users can tell you whether its worth it to script it.

    And welcome to scirra

  • yeah, hey karsh, didn't mean to attack you by proxy. I actually own gm as well.

    on a side note, and this isn't just my bias. the scirra cog is the coolest looking one, especially since maryjane maryjane'd it up

  • lucid: as the original post says, the HTML5 exporter and all its plugins will be open source. Third party exporters and plugins will be allowed, either free or commercial, regardless of whether or not they're on an official "exchange".

    awesome, thank you. missed that part

    I'm ready to preorder, btw, just so you know there are some people who will.

    and since I'm already posting about something else, I'd like to add my voice to the EXE!!! crowd

  • oh yeah, in addition to my last questions:

    will unofficial exporters be allowed?


    will the plugins and/or exporters be open-source since the ide is the thing sold now

    I've got one more:

    will commercial plugins still be allowed if sold outside the plugin exchange?

  • thanks for the response guys...

    also, one more thing. any idea yet what this means as far as open sourcing exporters and plugins and/or allowing unofficial exporters to be made?