Luca11's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Just a few days ago I was playing Machinarium on my iPad 2. I think everybody knows this game, to me it’s probably one of the most indie puzzle point-and-click adventure games ever designed. I am personally very fond of these kinds of games and as a game designer I have been mostly focused working on stuff like this lately. One of the features Machinarium offers is the ability to combine objects as you pick them along the way. Nothing particularly special, we all have already seen this feature in a great variety of games even before Amanita Design released Machinarium. Anyway, I started to see if it was possible to replicate said feature on Construct 2 and after playing around with the tools I came along with something pretty similar.

    I kept this very simple, you basically have a yellow triangle and a blue circle. When the two objects are combined together you obtain a green square. It doesn't matter which object you choose as you will end up with the same result in the end.

    Here you can download the capx for reference. Please feel free to comment if you feel like sharing your personal point of view. I’m pretty sure someone in the community has already come up with something like this with a much better approach than I did.

    Thank you for your time!


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  • Thank you guys, I really appreciate your effort to help me figure out how to do this thing! All of your suggestions seem to do the trick!


    Yes, the stage was quite messy when I shared my work with the community but now it's all cleared up in pretty much the same way you suggested. I didn't realize I didn't need to overlap the blocks so thanks for that as well! :)

    Now everything works correctly, I'll keep you guys posted with any improvement! :)

    See ya and have a nice sunday!

  • Thank you Ghost. As of now I kind of managed to achieve the spawn coin thing although I'm still in trouble with the blank block that pops in after that. The whole process should be as follows: Mario hits one block which triggers the coin spawn feature which then turns the initial block into an unusable block. Now the problem is when Mario hits any block the coin does spawn correctly but all blocks turn into blank which is clearly inconvenient.

    You were previously mentioning to get the block's IID. How do I do that?

    Anyway here is my updated capx

    Thank you very much for your help!

  • Hello everyone, I'm new here and I need some help from you guys. I'm coding a quick demo from the old NES video game Super Mario Bros and despite everything looks kind of smooth and cool so far I cannot understand how to accomplish some feature. When Mario hits some blocks a few of them are supposed to spawn a coin which will add some points to the final score. Now I actually got it to work with the first block but if I keep using the same method with the others the coin will always be spawned in the first block only. What is the best approach to use the same animation of the first block over and over for the rest of the other blocks? I guess I should be using a function or a global variable or something rather than just copy/paste my assets.

    Here is my capx file

    Thank you all in advance!


  • 4 posts