LOxR's Forum Posts

  • yeah its possible

    here is the Manual --> https://www.scirra.com/manual/119/touch

    was smth like

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  • > your welcome,


    > try to use the OriginalViewpoint to let them Centered for all Display Sizes, like 1920x1080 and 1280x720 and so on.


    > just add for example + 200 on X or Y after

    > for X: OriginalViewpointWidth / 2

    > for Y: OriginalViewpointHeight / 2


    > like

    > for X: OriginalViewpointWidth / 2 + 300


    > to get your position u want it to be.

    I dont' understand (i'm a noob) My layout is 1920x1080

    yea but mostly, if u create a game, u want to take care of all display sizes. (resolution), because not every gamer has a 1920x1080 Display, some only has 1280x720 or even smaller or bigger. with "OriginalViewpoint" your take the display size of his screen. so your Objects will fit to all display sizes, not only to 1920x1080.

  • your welcome,

    try to use the OriginalViewpoint to let them Centered for all Display Sizes, like 1920x1080 and 1280x720 and so on.

    just add for example + 200 on X or Y after

    for X: OriginalViewpointWidth / 2

    for Y: OriginalViewpointHeight / 2


    for X: OriginalViewpointWidth / 2 + 300

    to get your position u want it to be.

    Edit: it means it takes the current Viewpoint Size and devide it by 2 = center the Object on screen, than u can move it with +/- for what position u want

  • Not really sure if im right with what u want, but did u told the layout to "create" objects on start of the layout ?


    your can easily create the object on the X and Y position of your screen.

  • Make sure the on button pressed is on its own at the top level, then add the other conditions as indented sub events

    ah thanks, I got it.

    works fine, for everyone who also has this problem.

    Solution in pic.

  • the issue isn't whether you used 'button is down' or 'on button pressed', you can use 'button is down' with trigger once but 'on button pressed' is better. On button pressed would still run through all the events and adding wait 0.01 seconds isn't a great fix. You can use Else to make sure it runs through only one of the actions and not all of them.

    like this?

    but an Error appears

  • It's a little convoluted, couldn't you just use one variable and increase it for each page? Anyway to fix it you can have button A pressed as a top event, then the other logic can be included as sub events with Else, that way it will only check one at a time on the button press and not run through them all.

    thanks, I just clicked on add another condition and was wondering why on button pressed did not appear.

    fixed it for now with "wait for 0.01 seconds" but I will try on button pressed, now that I know it still there. ^^

    Im so sorry, couldnt handle this for 2 days now.

    Edit: tried with on button pressed, the problem is you cant add another condition. but works fine with wait for 0.01 sec.

  • Hello everyone,

    to keep it short,

    I want to create subMenus based on the same layer, and just get into the center of screen with lerp.

    There are 3x "isMainside" (numbers): on start of layout they are set to 0.

    "isMainside = 1" (go to second page)

    "isMainside1 = 1" (go to third page)

    the problem is, when I activate the number from 0 to 1 the script rush through all instanses, as you can see in the Video.

    How do I stop the script rushing through all Instanses and just update the numbers once at a Time.


    when Button A down, and isMainSide = 0 -> set isMainSide to 1 (activated(while activated it should move to second page))

    when Button A down, and isMainSide = 1, and isMainSide1 = 0 -> set isMainSide1 = 1 (go to third page)

    in the video you´re able to see what im talking about.

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    I allready tried with boolean but boolean means it always trigger while activated.

    thanks for helping.

    hopefully its understandable what im talking about.

    The problem maybe is -> as long as the Button A is down, it rushes through. To bad there is no on button A pressed option.


  • Hi to everyone,

    I´ve read and tried to "copy" the Multiplayer Tutorial on my own.

    It´s more like a copy and I just edit some small thinks, like own Sprites and keep some thinks from "Multiplayer Ping Pong Tutorial".

    Its pretty much the same, but both versions work diffrently and I just dont get why.

    In the Video u can see the, Login works fine, the angel on mouse.x is Kind of funny but I ignored that for now. And as soon as I connect the Peer to Host, its like Peer and Host get one "player" -> the purple think. When I try to move from Host window, its moving both players, when I try to move from Peer window, it seem like it stick to the Host player and cant client update or smth like that.

    another point is im not able to move with W/A/S/D which is added as an condition to LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN key - btw this works, except of W/A/S/D, not sure why.

    later in the Video u can see the Realtime Tutorial, as soon as I connect with Peer to the Host, it creates another "Peer" / Player, and im able to move with W/A/S/D and LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN the Problem with controlling the Peer on Host window still even in this Version.

    I edit the 8 Directional Movement to Platform Movement only in Realtime Tutorial.

    my Question: what am I Doing wrong?

    How to fix:

    1. Peer dont stick to Host

    2. WASD moveable

    3. Host dont move Peer

    The C3P file to download My version

    C3P to download the Edit Tutorial Realtime version

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    script of mine below.

    thanks for helping


  • how do I open the console?

  • Registered at photon and have set up an Realtime app.

    also downloaded newest photon addon for c3 and added the addon + AppID.

    inside Eventsheet I Told Photon to connect to server with the basic command

    on start of layout -> Photon connect to the name server

    its the point I cant pass threw, cause everytime I try to run the preview I get an Blackscreen. If I Toggle off "the connection to name server" it will load all the layout.

    what do I miss?

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  • --- Solved ----

    As you told I needed to add the sprite id. I was able to add the sprite ID with

    "sprite.iid" and get the expression with pick "sprite.iid"

    Thank you plinkie :)

  • From what I can work out, those upgrade sprites don't relate to the turrets. For levels of upgrade you should be using an instance variable on the turret and setting it to 1,2 or 3 etc. Then you say if turret.variable=1 make it do such a thing. If you're using a menu to do this fair enough, but you cannot then reference that menu later on as though it relates to the turret.

    When you select the turret you need to identify it with some ID variable as the one picked, then when the menu option is chosen, it picks the turret with that ID and sets the upgrade variable to 1,2 or 3.

    The last think you said, with idenditfy with some ID, is what im trying since hours. But I still not find a solution to identify every single turret I creat on the layer. It always set every created Turret to the same ID.

    Please show me with a picture how you would do this. Maybe im to stupid to find the solution :X

  • Well the first problem you have is a bug where when you create a turret you 'spawn' one but also the turret created as part of the build tool is placed, so you create 2 turrets every time. That needs resolving first. Also when you create a turret its already upgraded because you are 'touching' it when you create it.

    Now I´ve cleared the Event sheet and removed some bugs.

    But still the same problem. All towers are shooting when set 1 to upgrade :/

    (dropbox link is the same, like in reply befor)

    If you want to try it, (hold mouse on purple sprite to open menu and double click on tower to open upgrade menu)

    Edit: I think its cause I always use the same gun to shoot. It should be work if I creat another gun.

    But I got another Problem, do u know how to fix the mouse part to touch part?

    It doesnt worked with on touch object, instead of mouse. Also tried hold touch and touched object.

    Re Edit: Still doesnt work. I created a new gun and placed on its old place. I have no idea how to fix it :X