Lovelocke64's Forum Posts

  • I'm with Space Ape. There's the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do. We're just trying to help you out because your problem isn't with Construct, it's with your machine. I resent my post being surmised as an "M$ Lovefest"... and I'd like to say that you're kind of a jerk for being so standoffish during this whole thread.

    You need some manners... and you'll have to ask another person for help there: I'm turning my back on ya. Good luck.

  • What I'm Offering

    I'm not suggesting I'm God's gift to Game Design, but I do overflow with ideas, and I have a vast memory of games that I have played/heard of/know the development stories of. I can help you work out an idea that's both simple to deploy and fun to play. Give me a starting point, and I'll give you a quick and dirty idea for game design that we can build up from.

    A example would be: "I want to make a Survival Horror game with... ZOMBIES!"

    First of all, "how creative". But, if you do a forum search, you'll find more posts containing the word Zombies than you will "free help". <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    My response would be along the lines of - "Everyone talks about how we'll deal with zombies TODAY... but nobody goes into how, say, King Arthur would have dealt with zombies. They had no guns, no bombs, no vehicles, only the armor on their back and the blade in their hand. I propose a title where the "safehouse" is King Arthur's Round Table. You could have a simple, explorable area... that is... King Arthur's Kingdom, and a series of magical objects that'll rid the "curse of the undead"... as guided by Merlin. Each knight has their known abilities/weapons, but you can tweak them to be more resistant to damage, jump higher, run faster, attack faster, and so on. When a knight dies, that's it... he never comes back. Play until all knights are dead, then start over. Acquire all magical objects, and Merlin will be able to summon... eh... the white dragon which eradicates the undead, winning the game."

    See? I did one already. Nobody even asked me billy-jack.

    What do I want?

    Credit. Game Design/Story/Scenario (Based on what all you're asking of me) by Adrian Santiago. I don't want your money, you're the one MAKING the game. I would appreciate a copy of the game too, and if you need my help during your development (this idea isn't really working out) I'll be happy to assist ongoing, but you'd better not take three years to make your damn 2D game.

    About Me/What Makes me Qualified for this Crap?

    First, I work Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 1:00pm. I'm a little "over qualified" for my job, and thus, end up finishing the day's workload pretty quickly and start screwing around on the internet (on the clock of course).

    I am an award-nominated independent filmmaker, who is also (while at work) typing up the treatment for my new screenplay. If you care, you can check some of my stuff out on IMDB - (If you pick a movie to buy, pick GRIM. Watch it with the whole family!)

    In between all of this, I'm learning how to use Construct Classic and collaborating with my local team of artists, audio engineers, musicians and the like... and we'll be creating our own game title in the future. You'll read all about it "when it's time".

    I've been playing videogames since before I started Kindergarten. The Legend of Zelda was the first one I saw one fateful Christmas when my older brother got an NES. I'll never forget the sights, the sounds, and if I didn't end up being a filmmaker, I'd definitely be a game designer... I just turned 29, and now, I don't see a reason why I can't do both.

    I have written, directed, shot, produced, and edited entire feature-length films coordinating hundreds of extras that all required makeup, costuming, and "stuff to do" while on camera. I'm an extremely creative person that thinks outside the box, and I have a certain fondness in my heart for "the games of my childhood". They didn't overthink themselves, they weren't overly complex, and yet, they live on as enduring classics of video game history.

    For God's sake, at one point the hottest game on the planet was a yellow dot eating white dots in a maze... to the point that the Japanese Government had to rush to issue more coins because all of them were trapped inside the arcade machines!

    As long as you know your limits, and are serious about creating your title, I will help you out. Ask away.

  • Consider the following games as points of interest before nailing down specifics in your Game Design (I'm good at making these recommendations, so do try to buy/pirate/emulate them if you haven't played them in your life.)

    1. The Lost Vikings

    2. Trine

    3. Legacy of the Wizard

    4. Live a Live (Japan only, though English ROM translations do exist.)

    Give special attention to #4 on the list, as outright, the game puts the full cast at your disposal at the front of the game and allows you to play through their various scenarios at your own choosing. Similar to Mega Man, which is kind of loosely also related to your idea regarding the roulette wheel element.

    Which, I must say, sounds pretty iffy. How many times must you play it to "land on each character?" I tend to get pretty pissed off when a game forces me into a random thing like that. It's nice as, say, a gimmick to decide what loot/prize/bonus you get of course, but... any thoughts on how that's balanced out?

    Not to discourage you and say "It's been done before", just saying... try your "concept" out in real time, see what you liked/didn't like, and add onto it from there. Never go with your first idea... it's usually the fifth or sixth that's the great one.

  • 1) You grew up watching Tazmania. Well done.

    2) Better than Hotline Miami? It's been done. It's called "Smash TV" and you will NEVER top it.

    3) The... multiplayer component. I had just read in another thread that it's not something Construct 2 is specifically great at doing. It's online functionality (more or less) is centered around Leaderboards only. There ARE plug-ins, but nothing native... proceed with caution especially if you're considering commercial release.

    4) Have you ever played Zombies Ate My Neighbors? Consider it. For at least 2 hours. You will die a lot, but that's not what you're studying.

    5) What are your thoughts on Multimedia Fusion 2? It's another program I am considering working with after getting "the hang" of Construct Classic, specifically. Construct 2's HTML5-driven nature seems more a hindrance to commercial game design than Classic's Direct X 9-driven environment. Based on screenshots (haven't had the time yet to go head-on with CC), it looks very very similar. Learn one and you'll likely end up knowing how to work in both. For your game, you'll probably get better luck out of Construct Classic than Construct 2.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Can you shoot me a PM? I'd like to hear of your throughts on Gamesalad, as well as play what you've got together already.

  • I'll have a look. :)

  • For anyone interested... this has worked for me in Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7. Former IT support guy, (nearly) A+ Certified computer repair technician (if you must know, I had a 97% semester average in high school back in 2002 for the A+ Cert, which was supposed to entitle me to a certificate for a free A+ Cert exam but my damn school never issued them so I never persued it.)

    1. Spybot Search & Destroy. Download from

    2. Mozilla Firefox. Because serious, who is Google fooling with Chrome? Slow, bulky, ugly, even on Android devices I use Dolphin Browser in place of Chrome.

    3. Make sure you download the "Adblock Plus" plugin (for Firefox). It's free. Be sure to explore the options of Adblock Plus to "Allow non-obtrusive advertising" or else it blocks ALL ads. Sites like Hulu, Adult Swim which rely on loading ads at intervals between videos won't advance the video.

    4. Avast! Free is "good enough" anti-virus protection, though I do suggest the Pro edition. NOBODY should use McAffee or Symantec Antivirus... requirements too high, performance is crap, lots of false positives and, well, there's a REASON why it gets installed secretly with so many unrelated programs you download on the internet. Consider it "legal" spyware/malware.

    When I worked IT and even in years after when I was actually contracted out by other firms to repair/prepare laptops and PCs for deployment in Hotels and the people who install/repair hotel internet, this is the setup I installed by default. It's extremely hard to eff up your machine. I personally have not dealt with having to outright reinstall Windows on my desktop at home for any other reason than "My hard drive died".

    EDIT: As an aside, I was born in 1984 and had my first 8086 PC given to me around 1990. I was using DOS before I learned multiplication in school. I've seen a LOT of stuff man, but eh... I tried Linux. I wanted to love Linux. I tried Suse, Redhat, Mint, Ubuntu (this one I think I liked over the others), but ---nothing--- about it made any sense to me. I couldn't figure out how to install any kind of program and I -tried-. It's also hard to get decent video editing, image processing software on Linux as well. For the moment, Windows is "on top" because... well... everything runs on it. Everyone uses it. Necessary evil I suppose... but if Windows 8 is the big Windows Killer, I'd gladly shift to Linux. Linux just needs to get their damn act together and stop being so obtuse for the sake of "not being Windows".

  • Count me in... however because the future of Construct 2 and Ouya is so damned iffy, I've just about convinced myself to go the route of Construct Classic and make a Direct X9 game for Windows instead. That'd be "good enough" as the .exe exporter for Construct 2, from what I've read, is unpredictable enough to NOT be reliable for commercial release.

    Plus, Construct Classic is free and open source? Maybe the route to go about all of this is to somehow dig into the guts of Construct Classic and make IT support Ouya somehow, seeing as it has nothing to do with HTML5 whatsoever.

    Very open to discussion on that subject, it requires knowledge I don't have.

  • Saw the video on my youtube app... looks good! Any new updates?

  • Getting scaling right was one of our biggest challenges.

    D'ya think that's an issue with the way Construct does business, or with the way HTML5 works? Flash... everything's all pretty and vectorized. I never understood why Flash, which operates (I've been told) under a virtual machine environment that your PC either emulates well or doesn't, was never "overclocked" or "unlocked" to run with straight hardware powering it.

  • Please keep us updated on that, rfisher... the fate of so many other games-to-be depends on your findings, boss.   <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Any chance we could get some kind of native export to OUYA if it takes off? Kinda like how we got that awesome, ever improving webnode kit export for EXEs

    It seems unlikely based on the discussions we've been having here. On these hot topics we rarely get any positive forward-looking replies from the bosses around here, so I'm putting my money on "No." It's possible through tricks to get it up and running, but all of the "raw HTML 5 power" doesn't amount to nut if your goal is publishing games for cash it seems.

    Could be a variety of factors going into that. You can't really blame HTML 5, but you can question up and down the wisdom in going that route for anything but internet (web browser) based gaming... and even then, depends on the browser. I find Chrome to be atrocious, yet sites like the new -require- it to download files. Even on an android tablet, such as my Nexus 7, I skip Chrome in favor of Dolphin browser.

    I -do- like the fact that it appears you can make a straight PC/MAC game with the webnode kit, so there's always a chance you can find your success on the desktop platform... it's just troublesome to think that you COULD release a smash hit that's impossible to port, save for rebuilding the game ground up in another engine.

    If we're waiting for HTML 5 and Ouya 2, 3, 4, etc to "line up" so that Construct could export natively to it... we have a saying in the movie biz: "The longer it takes for something to happen, the less likely it will."

  • I have a 1080P game, it's quite violent so adults only, but your welcome to have a look if you want, see how it runs.

    Where's it at, homie? :)

  • thehen and ErikT: Gorgeous responses, very meat and potatoes. I'd love to hear more about your stories with Construct 2... big fans of the Node-webkit? Being able to target PC and MAC alone would make this whole thing worth it. I love 2D, my team's gearing up for 2D, but it's all based on success stories like yours before we decide "THIS is the way to go".

    Please share links to your Game Development blogs, journals, or just post a few stories here (good and bad alike, best to know everything). The world must know of your heroism!

  • Observe the ongoing discussion at: