Lou Bagel's Forum Posts

  • New Trailer:

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  • The Steam Store page is live! Very exciting!


    Check it out and sharing would be much appreciated!

  • Forgot about this thread . . . honestly, it is hard to keep up on so many different platforms. I hope other developers can relate - I feel like trying to keep up on all the platforms and market your game eats into development time so much.

    Here is a post I just made on IndieDB with some screenshots, gifs, videos and misc updates: indiedb.com/games/dave-man/news/dave-man-update

    Here is an image just to spice up this post:

    This is all the Kickstarter backer NPCs

  • oh yes, thank you. I think I've seen it a clip or something but never actually followed. Following now.

  • Hey all,

    I'm working on a game called Dave-Man and this month (November) is crunch month as I'm trying to finish! I will be twitch streaming here and there, mostly dev work in Construct 2 but may also involve some playtesting and pixel art.

    Since it is crunch time I am not setting a schedule, as to not slow the development too much, but will kind of be streaming randomly. So if interested hit that follow and turn on notifications: twitch.tv/loubagelcombo5

    I welcome any other Construct users to ask me any questions in the chat!

    Also, if any of you stream Construct game development reply with your stream link in the comment and I'll follow! Would love to see others work in Construct!

  • I have a PC. A friend wanted to test my game on his Mac. So I figured it was a good time to test out the NW.js export for Mac as I am planning on selling this game on Steam.

    I exported, uploaded to my Googled drive, shared the link. Friend said it didn't work and sent me this screenshot:

    Sent my friend a link to play a web version since he wanted to play, not troubleshoot. Without having a Mac what is the best way to look into this?

  • American here (sorry), so yesterday was 4th of July, which equals fireworks.

    So I had a little fun with Construct Particles and created some simple fireworks:


    Note: I've had several people mention or ask me to put them in color. I went with the 1 bit theme for this one as I'm working on a game right now with that same theme (click the dude drinking coffee to link to that game)

  • Thanks TheRealDannyyy

    Good point on not listing them too high and having people not purchase. But also don't want to list too low and have buyers have a bad experience (negative reviews, refunds, etc).

    I've also purchased games that have too high specs for my current computer and just gave them a try to see if it is still playable at all. A lot of the times it is completely playable just a few issues, for example choppy at cut scenes, but didn't bother me because I had worse expectations going in.

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  • Thank you OddConfection

    I may end up starting with what you have listed here and then tweaking upon user testing. Do you mind linking your game? That way I can compare..but also curious.

  • Hello,

    I'm working on a game to sell on Steam. Setting up the Steam page you are required to list minimum/recommended system requirements for Windows and MacOS (and Linux too if uploading).

    Has anyone uploaded to Steam before? I don't use any external plugins so I'd figure that no matter what you do inside Construct the export has the same system requirements?

    Thought I'd ask here before trying to do testing myself.


    Lou Bagel

    (game is called Dave-Man)

  • >


    > Imgur

    I played the app but I couldn't figure out how to exit from the pc using my gamepad. Dave just sat there in the chair.

    Ah yes, I need to update the control support, thank you! Right now space bar is the only action that can select a menu option (from computer, bookshelf, record player, etc)

  • Congrats on getting funded Lou Bagel!

    Nice little insight post on doing your first Kickstarter too. Good luck with the rest of the game!

    Thanks! I will try to do some more posts, too!

  • Whoop Whoop!

    Released the Demo today and launched a Kickstarter!

    Demo: loubagel.itch.io/dave-man

    Kickstarter: kickstarter.com/projects/294143625/dave-man-get-dave-his-coffee

    Also wrote a little Medium post about launching a Kickstarter for the first time! medium.com/@christaylor_85087/first-kickstarter-pre-launch-84391fe2548b

  • Close to releasing the demo for my game Dave-Man! I'll keep this initial post short to focus on the teaser:

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    Dave-Man is a game by Lou Bagel with music by Scowsh. You play as Dave who desperately needs his coffee before interacting with any co-workers. With Pac-Man inspired gameplay you must collect all the coffee beans and make it to the coffee maker without getting caught by the office “Chatty Cathy”. Your success in this mission will affect your mood and productivity during the day which will determine your paycheck. Take your money home and do some online shopping however you please...but don’t neglect the missus!