Lou Bagel's Forum Posts

  • Physics will take a ton of testing to get it how you want, at least from my experiences. Both in getting the impulses/forces to the amount you want and on what your device it can handle. Remember that mobile and tablets have significantly lower CPU than desktop, in case you are testing in browser.

    I'd be interested in seeing your progress so feel free to post something here. I made a silly physics project (here) and have been testing to see if tilt controls would work for some mobile game (have some issues I haven't worked out).

  • How is the progress going? Feel like I haven't seen posts as often recently

  • I am taking notes on those advices. I do not think I will change this game, but the next one, the sequel, that I am making, I will use all your advices. A friend of mine played a little bit and said the same, the enemies have a big health.

    if you played on a touch device, the touch controls are not so good, I have to take a look at it and make some improvements. playing this game with touch controls is the hard mode.

    I think you did a really good job. To summarize, in action games like this I think faster is more fun. So moving faster, more enemies that you can take out faster, etc.

    Yeah, if you are making another similar game then I get you, no need to remake, just use for future reference. I did play on mobile, FYI, touch controls weren't that bad

  • If there are no obstacles to go around I probably wouldn't use pathfinding—I've found it always takes a noticeable amount of time to determine the path.

    I would use:

    LOS - determine when in LOS of player

    Instance variable - once spotted change the instance variable (state machine)

    If variable then use whatever movement towards player

    That should be enough for the basics. After that there are infinite variations in how you want the enemy to chase.

  • Dang, your pixel skills are really coming on. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    I have to ask, what do you use to make your gifs? I've tried a number of solutions and have yet to find anything that comes out the way I want.

    I use GIMP to do my pixel art and can make gifs in it but I use a free program called licecap to capture gameplay from the screen which it saves as a gif:


  • Good stuff

    I would recommend increasing acceleration and deceleration so he doesn't feel as sluggish. Maybe top speed a little bit as well.

    It is really much harder to pick up the coins than it should be. That should be an easy fix.

    Everything you got there is really well done though. I'd say increase the speed, reduce enemy health, and add another attack or jump or something for variety to increase the fun. Maybe think TMNT for inspiration.

  • You try something as simple as:

    Every Tick: object angle = object angle + 1

    Test it out and see if you want it faster or slower and adjust the number.

  • Don't think you need a family for that necessarily. Add a condition to test if layer is visible. Can use object.layerName if layer may vary.

  • Also, try applying force depending on how much the device is tilted. That is probably why it feels sluggish or not realistic.

  • What is the question? 40-50 fps isn't bad, especially for a physics game.

  • First, are you using png format? Jpg would definitely cause a problem.

    Other than that it is pretty straightforward. Your Sprite should be the same size as the gimp file. If you resize in GIMP make sure interpolation is set to none. You can also try changing the layout scale if needing to zoom in or out.

    There is nothing tricky here so if you can't fix it you will have to provide step by step what you are doing, a capx, or screenshot.

  • Have you tried when the text object is clicked to determine where the touch/click point is? Then find a formula based on position to determine which word.

    There are fonts where each character is the same size so should be possible.

  • Quick post to show some of these peeps in action

  • Apfelguts

    Thanks for playing the game and commenting! People showing interest in this motivates me to add more to it (instead of working on other projects).

    Let me comment point by point:

    I think I wasted more than 30 shurikens on the ninjastar vending machine, hoping that would be one of the easter eggs. I should have read the description in this thread in advance where it clearly states its only purpose. Or perhaps there's more to it? :hehe

    Vending machine only trades 5 coins for one shuriken. You have to have 5 coins and less than 3 shurikens and then hit it with the sword. Nothing more than that. I know I didn't even attempt to explain it anyway but figured people would figure it out if they really wanted to

    I will not lose against the easter bunny in retreiving the final egg but might ask for a clue if I cannot find it by the end of the week.

    Sure! Just let me know or ask me questions. It's been posted for a while so I don't mind spoilers.

    By the way, I tested the game on my laptop and also my cell phone and tablet. The directional pad when using the touch function was a little too rigid. By that I mean, it was quite hard to hit the correct direction unless you were spot on (especially left). This might be something I just have to get used to, but perhaps if there is a "bigger" active touchfield surrounding the arrows, it will make it easier to move around? I had to switch back to the laptop cause of it.

    I noticed that too. One tip is that you can touch in the center of the pad and then drag your finger. As long as that finger remains in touch it be linked to the touchpad and can drag anywhere on screen. So I was relying on that during most of my testing but did notice when I picked up my finger it was hard to tap a direction. So been meaning to address that but never got to it.

    Also, on the laptop, if I used the mouse and touched somewhere around the playing field, the touch control interface would pop up but I did not figure out how to remove it. This kind of blocked the view in the bottom left and right areas so I would have to reload the game. How do I toggle it on and off?

    Cannot remember if I used Firefox or Chrome. Sorry!

    Good point! I don't have a way to toggle it off right now. I should probably add a pause menu.

    It is too long since I played the first Zelda, so cannot recall if the enemies got pushed onto the next screen when hit, like in your game. Is this intentional?

    From Link to the Past, I know that the enemies stay on the same screen when pushed into or hit into the sides.

    I've pondered this a lot. I don't remember how all the Zelda games did it. I feel like some they can go off screen but I think they disappear. I thought about adding something but would want to avoid two things:

    • Bouncing back off the edge of the screen and unfairly hurting the player
    • Getting stuck on the edge of the screen and making them an easy target

    What is your connection to Australia?

    Not sure where this is coming from? I live in the states. Did I reference Australia somewhere? I am really curious now.

    Thanks again for playing and the comment. You give really good feedback. I am thinking about working on a castle/dungeon with boss to add. Just not sure when I will get time to do it...

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  • I would also like to know this.

    I had tried to look into this myself with no such luck. That worries me that you can't find games made with Construct. But I have decided to keep using it for now until I reach some limitations myself. But have a feeling that once I'm done with the more simple projects (retro equivalent of NES/SNES) I will be switching to Unity.

    Of course, you do have to take a few things into consideration for not being able to find games—Constructs user size (seems smaller than others), Construct target user (seems like I see mostly people making their first game or using this for a school project posting in the forums rather than people making serious games, as in taking years to make with professional artists and musicians, etc), and outside of the forums how would you know if they used Construct? Why would they advertise it anywhere? Not that they would hide it but I don't see games proactively advertising what engine they used.