LoremDimSum's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • newt

    OK, thanks.

    Does anyone else have any thoughts or advice on creating rhythm games?

  • newt

    Yeah, that seems like it would help somewhat.

    But it seems like that would be patching up the problem rather than fixing the core issue.

  • Hi all,

    I've been banging my head against a wall for the last few days trying to get down the core mechanics of a standard rhythm game.

    Gotta admit I'm struggling to find something which works reliable and accurately.

    My first though was to use rex_JSMidiParser ( plugin-rex-jsmidiparser_t128345 ) to play a midi file alongside audio.

    This initially seems to work, but the midi and the audio gradually fall out of sync over time. (Example Capx: dropbox.com/s/ocjwbq4djavhg26/RhythmTest.capx?dl=0 )

    Thinking I might be going about this completely the wrong way, I've tried other suggestions on the forums,

    ( how-do-i-find-the-right-time-for-rhythm-games_t101187

    great-breakdown-of-how-to-make-a-rhythm-game-sync_t76386 )

    but I've yet to have any luck getting something which functions correctly, (not sure where I'm going wrong.)

    Does anyone have any advice or ideas on any of the above?

    Any advice on accurate timing / audio/bpm syncing for rhythm games would be super appreciated!


  • rexrainbow

    No probs.


    Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately I need it to be as accurate as possible. (It's for something timing based.)

    I can get an accurate total length of a predesignated curved path, which would help, but from what I can see the Spline behavior doesn't seem to move through a multiple waypoint curved path at a constant speed.

  • Ok, cheers. No problem!

    Would you perhaps have any other suggestions as to the best alternative way to achieve this in C2?

    (Tweening position along a custom curved path)

    No worries if you're busy.

  • Ah, that's a shame. Thanks for your response.

    Is there any chance at all you might implement this?

    Would be incredibly useful.

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  • Firstly, thank you for your C2 plugins Rex, your work is outstanding.

    Quick question:

    What would be the best way to move an object to the last point of a spline path within a specific time?

    (Ie. Tween position along a curved spline path.)

    I'm sure I'm missing something basic.

  • Thanks all, that's been really helpful.

  • [quote:1wmfh7nu]You know the exact lenght of the words. If you know the lenght, you know where they are.

    Some math and good logic will bring you there.


    But, firstly, I'd be somewhat concerned about relying upon absolute positioning, as apposed to addressing the text content itself, as it wouldn't allow for flexibilty in layout & font formatting.

    Addressing via position would also means one would have to separately refer to every instance of a particular word, as apposed to once per unique word.

    I'd be working with hundreds of thousands of words in XML docs.

    So it only becomes feasible if I can automate the process of making words addressible, (ideally by text content rather that relying upon absolute positioning.)


    Unless you expected a capx dooing it all for you, ofcours

    I expected nothing of the sort.

    What would give you that impression?

    I'm merely asking if anyone has any ideas or advice on the subject.

    Is that not what this section of the forum is for?


  • [quote:277ztqzp]You might want to look at :

    google.be/search ... spritefont

    How does the use of a Sprite Font make it any easier to interact with specific parts of text content within an object?

    Sorry, I'm not quite following.

  • Or, failing this, does anyone have any ideas as to the best way to achieve a similar effect?

    I suppose one could, in theory, have every word within an XML doc load into a separate Text object.

    But this seems rather inefficient when dealing with large amounts of text.

    Is there a better way?

  • Hi there.

    Is it possible to make individual words within a text object clickable? -And if so, how would I go about this?

    I'm working on a project that'll have large amounts of text read from XML files and I need to be able to make specific words interactable.

    I've yet to find a way to be able to do this.

    Any ideas?


  • 12 posts