LordKhaos's Forum Posts

  • That worked, didn't realize Z elevation was not the same as Z-order.

    Thank you for the clarification!

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to setup health bars near the feet of some sprites and I need some help.

    This seemed to be working when the healthbar was a simple rectangle, but when I decided to improve the health bar to give it a background (another sprite on the bottom) then I realized that both pinned objects slowly move away or close in to the origin sprite. That means that it does not keep the same distance as the sprite moves around.

    I've tried multiple behavious (pin to image point, distance, etc) and they all seem to do the same.

    I've set both healthbar and background imageview points to the center (althought they have diferent sizes).

    Here are some screenshots to ilustrate:

    This is my logic:

    Any help would be apreciated!


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  • Hey man,

    this is not my kind of game, but it looks super professional !

  • Hey,

    as a programmer at heart I was really hoping I could do some programming for some bits and share for someone else to use, i.e. like a simple health bar - why should everyone take 1 hour to event it instead of just plug one in straight out of the box? Pretty sure most games have to implement it.

    Anyway, this looks like a terrific way to get started on SDK but its not clear for me how I can test it - is there any way I could have a look at those removed tutorials?

  • Thank you dop2000 - that solved the issue.

    I really like your idea of containers, I think that will simplify things a lot.

    Thanks again !

  • Hello,

    been searching the foruns and the documentation and I can't seem to make this work.

    I want to create a sprite for each instance of an enemy based on a name and PIN it to it, however it always gets pinned to the last enemy on the foreach.

    Both Enemies and Battlers_Skin are families.

    I've also tried to do it on a sub event using last created with no sucess.

    By comparison the Health_Bars created with "Create Object" work as one would expect.

    Thank you for your help!