Lootzifr's Forum Posts

  • Is it possible for you to rewrite it to use web/local storage?

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  • Now it's showing the images. What version of c2 are you using? There was a bugfix about "save game" shortly. My problem was fixed by it.

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  • IMHO: I don't think this is a good idea. Programming was always about knowing some english. Localization only makes sense if there are a lot of users who would need that and who would be willing to pay for it. I think it is good that scirra focuses on developing new software features instead of translating it.

  • PSI I don't know if it is just me but I can't see the pictures. They are not loading on all my browsers.

    Do you really need the "no save" behavior? I would try it first wihout. I had problems with that too and removed them all and it worked fine again. If you need it then integrate it step by step and test it so you will notice if any objects shouldnt have that.

  • I wouldn't recommend to use the scirra "Google Play Games" Plugin on mobile (crosswalk/phonegap exports). You are using the web-facing login that would work anywhere but this is not what users expect on mobile devices. Use the cranberry "game" plugin for that. It is really great and works for ios and android at the same time.

    The cranberry plugin opens the in-app-login to the game service, It looks and feels more integrated. The most important part is that you can just open the "leaderboards" and "achievements" with one command. The scirra plugin just supports you with the data so you will have to build your own lists and views (complex). Both plugins should work on cordova exports though I think.

    Here is a game of mine if you want to see the cranberry "game" plugin in action:

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... zardattack

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  • You need to set the crosswalk version to 10. You can do this in the intel sdk. Click on project -> build settings -> Android-Crosswalk. Then scroll down to "Crosswalk version" where "stable" is filled in and change it to "beta". Sometimes it is really pain in the amboss that intel doesn't give correct instructions. I found the solution somewhere else on the web.

    For everybody who ran into this:

    Crosswalk version = "stable" -> Crosswalk 7 with openSSL error

    Crosswalk version = "beta" -> Crosswalk 10 without openSSL error

    I don't know why they don't make a new stable of it if the old one has such a bug. Forcing developers to use the beta version in production doesn't feel right. I think this will be updated soon.

  • RandomOutput Thx, for your input. I know the WebStorage Plugin well. I have been using that on all my games I did the last two years. Now I have a RPG game and it is quite complex to save all the monsters right. I am just lazy on that and the build-in save/load game works fine for that. At the end I will use arrays+webstorage again but I think checking for "savedgame exist" like the local storage for example has it might be a keen missing feature.

    I will just add a local key I will save if the user has/hasn't saved a game so I can grey out the "continiue"-button.

    btw. This is the game I am talking about:

  • Hey everybody,

    is there a way to check if the user has used the "save game" function? I have a "continue"-button that only makes sense if there is something saved. ^^ I can't find the condition for it :-/

    I know I could just build a value with webstorage but wanted to know if this is build-in or could be added in the future to be more elegant.

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  • TiAm omg what is that? ^^ I need to look it up on youtube. Looks amazing. I love adult swim.

    desjardins2014 Thank you

  • FredQ hey, thanks a lot for testing .

  • szymek In that case you can check out my other app I updated to crosswalk: Barff - Brain Training

    Nesteris I just submitted it. I am still waiting for iOS. I would guess they only ban apps that try to take advantage of the brand. So apps with a "flappy" in it. I dont think they ban you for having the same game concept. That would mean "Clash of Clans" and "Dungeon Keeper" should have a problem too but it is ok. I will let you know if the app gets any restrictions.