Insecure version of OpenSSL?

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A simple Map Editor that where you can edit a map with restriction or totally. You can save and load the map created.
  • I have problem with export my game.

    I using Cordova from latest c2 and Intel XDK

    This is warning:

    "Warning: Crosswalk 7 uses an insecure version of OpenSSL and may be rejected by the Google Play Store. Use Crosswalk 10 if you plan to distribute via the Google Play Store."

    How can I fix this?

  • You need to set the crosswalk version to 10. You can do this in the intel sdk. Click on project -> build settings -> Android-Crosswalk. Then scroll down to "Crosswalk version" where "stable" is filled in and change it to "beta". Sometimes it is really pain in the amboss that intel doesn't give correct instructions. I found the solution somewhere else on the web.

    For everybody who ran into this:

    Crosswalk version = "stable" -> Crosswalk 7 with openSSL error

    Crosswalk version = "beta" -> Crosswalk 10 without openSSL error

    I don't know why they don't make a new stable of it if the old one has such a bug. Forcing developers to use the beta version in production doesn't feel right. I think this will be updated soon.

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  • After this I have same problem like this:

    But when I come back on Computer and try again I success... I don't know what Im did but I have successful build.

    Thank you for help!

  • I've the same problem and i really need to build with Crosswalk version 7, the game performance on Crosswalk 10 is very very bad compared to 7

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