Loic Lautredou's Forum Posts

  • I think it's really confusing...

    On the developer page there have that line:

    "Before uploading your game to Kongregate, you may consider submitting it to us for a sponsorship evaluation. "

    http://developers.kongregate.com/docs/s ... er/welcome

    I'll put the game on, and then send them an email or something. I think they are trying to do really well but they are drowning under the sponsorship application. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I sent them an email asking what type of file to send them, and got that email back:

    Thank you for submitting your game to Kongregate for sponsorship consideration! Due to the large volume of submissions, we are unfortunately unable to respond to requests over email.

    We are also unable to sponsor the vast majority of game submissions we receive. Don't take it personally! Our current focus is mainly on games with heavy RPG elements, though we will consider sponsoring any type of game that is of high enough quality.

    If you believe that your game meets the high standards for a Kongregate sponsorship, please feel free to contact Greg McClanahan directly over Skype at the account "gregmcclanahan."

    But even if your game doesn't qualify for a Kongregate sponsorship, that doesn't mean that it's not fun and doesn't have value! You can also try submitting it to FlashGameLicense.com to make it available for bidding from a wide range of portals.

    Good luck!

  • Hello everyone!

    I've been looking at all topics speaking about Kongregate and I already know that there is a brillant tutorial about how to submit the game to the platform. Meanwhile no one mention what type of file is adapted to submitting the game to the email address they mention on the "sponsorship" page. they don't even mention it either. They speak about .SWF but that's not possible with Construct2.

    If I give them the link to the game on dropbox as in the tutorial, will it work?

    Do any of you guys tried it before and know what would be the more appropriate type of file?

    Thanks you so much for the infos!

  • I use that line:

    Let say you have a spawner and multiple enemies. Add a variable to those enemies and pick a value for them, I called it Enemychoice here.

    It's just in order to make your spawner choose randomly between multiple ennemies.

    {_System// Every random(X1,X2) seconds---------------------Spawner01// set Enemychoice to choose 1,2,3

    {_Spawner01//Enemychoice=1--------------------------Spawner01// Spawn E1 on layerA(image point0)

    _Spawner01//Enemychoice (different as(the symbol isn't on my keybord))0------------------------Spawner01//set Enemychoice to 0

    _System//trigger once.

    {_Spawner01//Enemychoice=2--------------------------Spawner01// Spawn E2 on layerA(image point0)

    _Spawner01//Enemychoice (different as(the symbol isn't on my keybord)) 0------------------------Spawner01//set Enemychoice to 0

    _System//trigger once.

    {_Spawner01//Enemychoice=3--------------------------Spawner01// Spawn E3 on layerA(image point0)

    _Spawner01//Enemychoice (different as(the symbol isn't on my keybord))0------------------------Spawner01//set Enemychoice to 0

    _System//trigger once.

  • The image isn't displayed.

    To "spawn" sprites like the way you describe, I like to use this method.

    I create a square sprite that is invisible or covered by the sprite it spawned by "setting the position to object" and spawn an enemy or a bonus. I use that so you can set a random time or a random object to spawn via a global variable.

    The "difficulty" would be to set a specific mouvement from your sprite. But maybe with the photo it will be clearer.

  • Hotline Miami 2: Wrong number. I had a blast playing the first one, and I have high hopes for the second chapter. Maybe a tiny better scenario?

    No man's sky : What an ambitious project! And from such a small studio!

    That hack'n'slash from a Korean studio that I can't remember the name. It looked so cool in the previews! Like better than Diablo3.

  • Just finished Qora. What a brilliant design and beautiful music, but such a poor scenario.

  • The graphics are nice!

    Maybe you should include a Highscore? Give the player some goal to achieve?

    Include direction to jump? Most people use the space bar when they play a single action game.

    The free runner model of the C2 library would ad a lot of fun to you game easy.

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  • Excite bike was the first game I had to blow in to make it work

    I was a huge fan of the Road Rash series on Genesis and PS1...

    I never understood why people like Mortal Kombat, those games sucks so bad. The controls are awful and it looked so rigid comparing to Street Fighter...

    Double Dragon 2 anyone? How many time did you pushed Abobo from the helicopter before fighting Arnold on the secret base?

  • I remember when the first Mortal Combat was seen as "photo-realistic". Coolspot was also a pretty realistic game if I remember.

    The comparison between realistic and "stylized" graphic has always be on. It's pretty much up to the player taste and up to the type of game.

    But I think it's like a book and a comic strip. I could lost myself in a realistic MMO for hours, but to play Timberman with realistic graphic wouldn't be really necessary.

    Concerning 2D games, the realistic approach has to serve something or it will look like a poor graphic choice, used because you couldn't create nice asset so you took pictures... (see the Mortal Combat example above).

  • That's actually an interesting question with a subject that is really under talk!

    I'm also really careful with copyright and intellectual properties. But first one of the rules is that as long as you don't make money it's safe to copy (kindda sad but true). Nintendo won't sue you for making a remake of Mario if it's for yourself or just for some small range diffusion. It will cost them more to start a trial against you than what you will be fined if so. Same thing goes for Fan art.

    Also, Space Invaders is such a cultural symbol that somehow don't really belongs fully to it's creators (Atari?). Adding the fact that it was published so long ago that the patterns and copyright must be royalty free by now.

    How many copies of the arcade classic do you see everywhere? Candy Crush is a copy of Columns, and Angry Bird is just a more refined version of a old game called Tanks, that was maybe a copy of something older.

    If you do a Space Invaders just name it Alien Invasion or something and change the shape of the main enemy by two pixels and that will be ok.

    The biggest risk will be that Atari, or whoever has the remaining rights to the original Space Invaders game, ask you to take your game down from the gaming platform it's on. But then they will need to take a whole lot of game too

    The notion of copy or in this case intellectual property is a really complicated one. Was Crash Bandicoot Racing a copy of Mario Kart or just a rip off? Technically Nintendo introduced the Go-Kart Game, but is completely unable to copyright it. So you should not really worry about paying royalties

  • There is virtually no limit on the number of layout you create, if you have the proper license. (At least I think so)

    I think that the time spent depend really on the overall design style you want to adopt.

    For exemple a super simple, clean, and flat graphic direction will be way quicker to do than a complex, realistic one. I don't know if you're artistically skilled for that.

    I would ask myself those questions:

    -Do you want to use always the same sprite over and over like in Tetris or use a random generated level system? Basically, are you going to design each of those 175 levels one by one?

    -How long is your time target? Are those levels like a Wario touch like? Couples of seconds for each, or like a longer time frame for each play which will imply to have a saving/password system.

    I made a Pong-like game, and it run smoothly on every platform I tried. Including Android/IOS devices with touchscreen controls.

  • Hey guys!

    Well, my question was more about fiscal and legal status and company registration.

    Since I live in the US now, I'm thinking of creating a sole proprietorship, that will allow me to declare my games incomes over my regular personal incomes... I got a nice book about how to create a company in the US, and I'm just waiting for my final visa papers to register mine.

    I see a lot of people talking about making "money" with their games, but none talks about creating a start-up studio, and trademarking a logo/name/website. I think that since Construct2 is a all game making tool, it should be mentioned that at one point, if you want to make money, you have to declare it according to your local taxes and laws. It's not that it's what I think people should do, it's just that it's the legal way to make money and business.

    I think the best way at first to monetize your game is to go on a platform like Desura, Kongregate, itch.IO ect ect... Share the revenues on the add royalties, while doing your best for promoting the platform and your game via free (or not) social network publicity.

    I won't make you a billionaire but it will helps you find bugs or gameplay mistakes, get reviews, get the buzz starting... And then eventually contact bundles gaming sellers, or try on mainstream platform like Google play and Appstore.

    I'm actually thinking of making a tutorial about the whole process, so everyone can have a good idea if they want to start their own micro studio or not.

  • Thanks!

    Yeah I like the idea of the spawners, that would totally help me in the random spawning process. I didn't knew the choose command. that's some great help!

    But you see, if you drive your car to the complete left or right, then you'll never encounter an obstacle. I will need to find something to avoid that. Maybe add some random stopped obstacles on the side of the road. Like cones or whatever.

    Can you explain me how the System-Every random(2,8) action work? That it mean that the car is created randomly between 0 and 2,8 sec?

    I would also like to understand what is the purpose of the line System-trigger once after the spawning? Does it prevent to generate the action twice while the car is still on the layout or not destructed yet?

    Great work by the way!

  • Hello guys!

    So here's the thing, I'm working on a new game concept based on the Auto-Runner base.

    I'm including the .CAPX for more lisibility and making myself clear because my problems are quite complicated to explain.

    The .CAPX can be found here: http://dl.free.fr/iRgRCD0HL

    I used the Auto runner base because I want to make a horizontal dodging game.

    I don't need the block platform, but I used the set-up of it to base my random incoming obstacle events on.

    Just imagine a top view of a freeway, and the goal is to dodge the cars that comes at you.

    The player isn't moving, it's the background that simulate the speed. Just like in the Auto-Runner game. And of course the game generate obstacles in those 3 lanes, so you actually have to dodge switching from one lane to the other pressing up and down.


    Lane 01---------------------------------------------------

    Lane 02---------( player )-------------<-<-<---[////] incoming obstacle

    Lane 03---------------------------------------------------

    Lane 01---------( player )------------------------------ obstacle dodged

    Lane 02-------<-<-<---[///]-----------------------------

    Lane 03----------------------------------------------------

    So the goal is to avoid the most obstacle before getting hit and being destroyed. Simple

    The time you spend avoiding collision is pretty much your score.

    My problems are the followings:

    1- How can I make sure that there will always be a way to dodge. How can I configure an event that say that if 3 obstacles are on the same X segment upon creation he has to destroy one of them to give the player a chance to dodge them.

    I would like to have some kind of a randomized creation system, so the player won't find a pattern to pass trough the game.

    That's why I don't want to do a System-Every X seconds// System-create Obstacle on lane 1.

    2- I would like my player to be on a rail ( Player.X being always the same), so how can create an event that will add Y+30 (Just random number to make my point) when he push up, and Y-30 when he push down. Just basically switching from one of one lane to the upper or lower one. Maybe there is a better way to do that...

    Thanks you very much for the help!

  • Thanks so much!