lodose's Forum Posts

  • I kinda got it now, only thing is making this multiple times as i soon intend to use more armours and a ton more monsters, i already have the images

    kinda wish i had a team :P

  • Bloody awesome . Nim mate...you've been a diamond today. Thanks everyone!

  • Having problems with getting the monster using distance...Could someone look at it please?

    Download CapX

    EDIT: Sorry for double post, i thought it auto merged :O

  • Thank you! i will attempt this and upload the game via FTP for testing :D

    cheers guys

  • Okay, il figure out a workaround ....can you give me an example of the distance check?

    the player objects is called Player and the enemy is called Ball ...

  • Actually mate, it seems that method works a charm , guessing i need to check angle to play animations ??

    Thanks for your help again mate :)

  • I cant seem to get the animation right without it being upside down and if i disable it from rotating it moves in only one direction ... confusing :(

    If you check out my capx ... you can see the style of my game , i need things to run smoothly on the diagonals and not strife ... so in terms using snap to grid path finding. The bullet movement is too fluent to control with the animations i have

  • Okay...i got it lol, Thanks guys.

    Any examples of getting the monster to attack when it reaches player ? ofcourse the distance would be needed to stop the monster from moving into player constantly.

  • i've done that but it just instantly moves the play to that location , and does walk there?

    i want to make it so you gradually move towards to touch location , the method you supplied instantiates the player at the currently location instantly and without any animation.

  • How do i implement touch control alongside key control ? I already have a keypressed 8direction control set up on my player, but i want it to check if its on a touch device, allowing user to control by touching screen.

    I wanted it to move the play to the position the user touches (Like diablo II , click to move).

    Obviously id need to have the right animations playing.

    Anyways, here my player control with keys ... if anyone could show me an example of how to implement key and touch (using the same controls) then that wud be great :)

    note: i did wonder if i cud use transparent buttons that follow player and use the object touched command , but touch plugin doesnt support keyboard usage?

    also , i've tried using buttons as the guide states and when testing online (using mouse touch option "yes") it disables my key functions and doesnt do anything.

    Anyways heres the CAPX

    Download LodoseCapX

    Thanks in advance :)

  • No i wasn't , how do i simulate 8direction control on something similar to my player animations? for now i just want to clone my player and make a version that attacks the current player using Monster AI ... but i have no idea on how to simulat control towards player

    I guess having Free edition won't help me since i cant check directions like "N" or "NE" .....

  • I want the Monster AI to move using the 8Direction Control just as the player is, but i want the monster to only start to walk towards player when in certain distance (playing movement animations face the correct direction, same as player).

    Any ideas? Basically i want the monster to walk towards player and then start to attack.

    Anyways here my .capx of the player movements , if anyone could clone the player and make that use the monster AI then i can add my monster animations in when i suss out how to actualy use Monster AI

    Download Capx

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  • Yeah it kinda sucks lol.

    Could anyone help me with my Monster AI , im using similar Animations as the player (8 direction). i want the monster to chase player until its close enough to start to attack , atm i have a ball that follows player , but no variation on animation.

    Any ideas?

  • Nice, thats much more simple than my method lol.

    Thanks mate

    EDIT: Another thing i wanted to look at was making the Monster AI follow character when its on screen , cant seem to figure it out tho

  • Okay thanks , yeah the shadows are attached to the original animation images. It turned out that i had to clear my cache / cookies ... runs alot smoother now.

    Urrm , question....How can i display running animation using SHIFT.. i want to be able to show diagonal running too but i can due to not being able to do more than 1 key pressed per event? if u get what i mean.

    Also if you check my release events (to make sure player is facing the correct way) i haven't got any for diagonal, as i wud need to have it check if Up + right released play upright ... etc