locohost's Forum Posts

  • locohost

    Hire programmers and own a server all need money, too.

    Change your handle to mo-money-rainbow!

    No seriously, Firebase is really cool, I said that, however it's just not worth the excessive fees. It's overpriced. You can setup/host your very own full VPS with your very own full MongoDb or CouchDb on a public hosting service for less per month than the just the entry level "Candle" Firebase plan. This all assuming you need more than the "Hacker" plan of course.

    Speaking of MongoDb, has anyone wrote a MongoDb C2 plugin? I'll do a search. Maybe that's my next mini project

  • >

    > > When you have two sprites with both scroll to behavior enabled at the same time it wont work. Ensure that you have only one scroll to behavior enabled.

    > >


    > The docs say that you can set ScrollTo on multiple sprites. The Viewport will (will try) to center between the two sprites. I didn't try but I doubt this works.


    I didn't make myself clear I guess. I meant that It wont work properly because, as you said the camera will try to follow the center between the objects which I believe is not what we usually want.

    Ok then yes I agree

  • FIrebase is pretty cool, sure I agree, but why isn't anyone mentioning how incredibly expensive the non-"Hacker" Firebase plans are for most of us normal game coders?

  • Looks like a pretty normal/important missing editor feature


    So my assumption is right, I'm not missing how to do this, it's actually a missing layout editor feature?

  • Quick update: I just exported my Construct 2 game to "Android". Opened up the exported folder in "Intel XDK" IDE, built, ran on my Note 3 phone (attached by USB) and it looks and works perfectly! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Scirra and Intel!

  • When you have two sprites with both scroll to behavior enabled at the same time it wont work. Ensure that you have only one scroll to behavior enabled.

    The docs say that you can set ScrollTo on multiple sprites. The Viewport will (will try) to center between the two sprites. I didn't try but I doubt this works.

  • Thank you very much for the replies guys. I definitely do appreciate and need the advice

    I was able to work around the ScrollTo issues. Yes it has issues when you're trying to follow a Physics body sprite. It does not keep the screen centered as the docs say. Perhaps when using simple 8-Dir movement it works, but not with a Physics body. I'm using C2 release r190 (64 bit) as I type this.

    To work around this I created a second "Camera" sprite. Set ScrollTo behavior on this Camera. I then placed the Player sprite in the center and the Camera in the center of the Viewport. Player and Camera both have center origins. The Camera is double the size of the Player. I doubt the Camera size matters, but thought I'd include. On every System tick event, I set the Camera.X/Y to the Player.X/Y * 2. Yes, Player.X/Y times 2. This workaround keeps the Physics body Player sprite perfectly centered on each Viewport X/Y axis as it is forced around. This fixes ScrollTo so it works as it actually should.

    If you've ever used Phaser, it's FollowCamera behavior works perfectly with any kind of sprite. The Construct 2 ScrollTo behavior should also. This being said, Construct 2 is still much easier than using Phaser

  • The docs say ScrollTo behavior causes the viewport to scroll with and center on the object with ScrollTo behavior. This is definitely not true. Well, partially true, it scrolls with the object but completely looses centering. The object moves faster and leaves the view port behind.

    Is the issue that the ScrollTo behavior does not work with a Physics object moving by applied angular force?

  • I added the ScrollTo behavior to the Player sprite. So now the screen follows the Player as it moves. Scrolls smooth which looks really good, but the Player moves off the viewable screen before the layers start to scroll. So then you can't see the Player anymore. Is there a way to adjust the camera centering, or something, so the scrolling starts before Players gets off the screen edge?

  • > Pick by comparison: Person.IID = Person_Selected


    > You don't need a For each.


    I don't see where/how I can "pick by comparison" outside of the the for-loop

    Nevermind, I got it.


  • Pick by comparison: Person.IID = Person_Selected

    You don't need a For each.

    I don't see where/how I can "pick by comparison" outside of the the for-loop

  • Ok this method works...


    Is this the right way? Is there an easier way?

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  • Say for example, I catch the "0" key being pressed. I then want to perform an action only on Sprite[0]. How can I accomplish this?

  • Not sure if I'm the only one this is happening to but it needs addressed. I'm getting a Scirra email "New Bundles in the Scirra Store!" over and over and over and over. Literally 4, 5 or more times every day. Why?!?!?!...

    I'd still like to receive one copy of the various Scirra emails so unchecking items in my profile is not the answer.

  • Looks like a pretty normal/important missing editor feature