hi at all i'm new to the forum! First of all i'm italian and my english is bad so please be patient..
yesterday i want to try my first level of the game in my mobile (samsung galaxy note 2) not only in wifi mode with construct preview (50 fps in browser and 50 fps on the smartphone) but i want to build an APK from intel XDK...I have exported all with cordova and build with the android crosswalk. In the intel xdk emulator the game run fine but if i compile the apk it run REALLY slowly on my device like 5 fps! i have read all the topic about this issue, removed the colliders, reduced animations and image size... I post my CAPX on dropbox so you can try it...
i don't think construct 2 don't let you make a 15 frame animation (300 x 250 px) without lagging! this drive me crazy guys pls help me or i have to change my whole project...Please tell me if using 72dpi image is too much...but really is a cheap resolution...
And why in the browser is running fine?!? i know webgl is really fast but from 50 fps to 5???
thank you in advance for the reply..