Hi, I've been using C2 for awhile and when exporting to mobile, there is no option to disable my game to be on iPad/tablet. I was wondering in C3 if there is an option where I can export my game on mobile phones ONLY. I want to make sure this is an option before I purchase C3. Thanks!
— cocoon.io is a better choice for ios. I don't think cocoon no longer supports ios 7 which means iphone 4 is out of the question
iad has been discontinued by apple and they will reject your app so you will need to use a different ad network
Cocoon is better as of now. I also recommend to lower your resolution since your game will be on mobile
Please give feedback!
— would there be a difference if the source code came from github or npmjs? I found some more plugins here https://cordova.apache.org/plugins/?q=wkwebview but idk if they work cause they all seem the same
xmnboy so the wkwebview will only work on iOS 9 and above? I know there are plugins such as https://github.com/Telerik-Verified-Plugins/WKWebView but idk if it works cause I'm using cocoon.io which allows for a great performance for iOS 7+. The only thing I don't like about cocoon is the file size limit of 50mb
any news about iOS performance?
A few questions:
Could I submit my game through google play and app store?
Will I still own my game even after submitting?
Will submitted games be on Rikoshe?
Could I not put it on the Rikoshe app?
do you have a mac cuz this is only possible if you have one
so you want a cross platform leaderboard that supports both ios and android? If so, google play already does that and so does facebook.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
— I think the appodeal plugin was built for intel xdk. So there's gonna be some problems when trying to compile to cocoon.
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jumpy-n ... 84399?mt=8
Just a very simple game created with C2. It's based off another game I made called Swish Ninja but I made this one much more easier.
Downloading it right now to check it out
part12studios Have you tried Buildbox? It;s suppose to be the easiest of them all compared to C2, Stencyl, and Gamesalad. But the pricing is just ridiculous. I tried Stencyl and Gamesalad but C2 is just better imo.