LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Adding an else event would probably do it in this case..

    Also you can invert the is touching condition, or use an on touch end event..

    It's up to you to choose the one best suited..

  • Well a simple instance variable would take care of that, added as a condition in the collision event..

    For example a boolean variable AlreadyUsed..

    So when the player is kicked off the snowmobile set it to true..

    And in the player collision event check if it's set..

    If not, player can mount the snowmobile..?

  • I'm sure you have already checked the manual, but for anyone with a similar question finding this thread I'll add this:

    (From the manual on the audio object)

    Mobile limitations

    Safari on iOS and Chrome for Android share a limitation in playing music. While sound effects can be played at any time, music is only allowed to start playing when the user touches the screen. This is a limitation in the browsers themselves. As a result, if you play music on the start of layout, you may find in these browsers it does not actually start until the next touch.

    Safari on iOS has a further limitation that no audio can play at all until the first touch. In other words, audio starts off muted and the first touch unmutes audio playback.

    Usually you do not need to handle this in your events. If you try to play sound or music on 'start of layout', the audio object will automatically queue it up for playback the next time the user touches the screen. However you should be aware of this when designing your game. If the first touch changes layout or stops the music, then the music may never be heard. You may want to start playback then encourage the user to touch the screen with a 'Play' icon or something similar.

  • Using a triggered event would be the way to only trigger once..

    If you only want something to happen when covering another sprite, you could check for overlap or maybe on collision, whichever suits you best..

    As these are pretty basic questions, have you followed any of the beginners tutorials?

    Read the "how events work" section of the manual?

  • Getting a capx/caproj out of the exported jacascript is not possible..

    Offcourse javascript is javascript and all that is needed for the program is in the exported file..

    As I understand even non-minified exports are made in a way to make reverse engeneering hard..

    BTW: I don't think any develloper would be happy if it were possible, so I'm really surprised an experienced one like you say you are would even want this..

  • Best way would be to import it with a clear background..

    Using effects is much more intensive to render..

  • Depending on the way you have things set up there are many ways..

    One of the easiest ways would probably be to have invisible objects following the angles of your slope and setting the angle of your snowmobile based on overlapping at offset of those objects..

    Not sure if it's possible in your case, but dividing your snowmobile in front and backtires would even make this more realistic..

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  • I've been making adaptive app-layouts almost the same way..

    The best way is to stay consistent..

    instead of using windowwidth and windowheight, keep using the viewportleft, right, top and bottom..

    Windowwidth - 40 would become: viewportright(0)-viewportleft(0)-40

    windowheight - 40 : viewportbottom(0)-viewporttop(0) -40

    the horizontal center of your layout : viewportleft(0)+0.5*(viewportright(0)-viewportleft(0))


    I put most of these values in variables and update them on any change in the windowsize, having different ways of showing things for landscape and portrait and depending on the amount of pixels availabe..

    One thing that could be happening on mobile is the app is called fullscreen so when the "on start of layout" event is executed the windowsize is different than a few ticks later when the browser adress bar "re-appears" (This is just a guess/possibility, but can be easily caught by also using the browser-objects "on resized" event to call the set layout function)

  • Maybe you could tell us why all those examples are not what you need?

    Are there parts of them you could use?

    What is different about your specific inventory, that can't be done by slightly adjusting the examples?

  • I'm not sure what you are trying to do..

    Random works with numbers and not strings..

    The expression is random() and not random""

  • This thread has many links to other threads with "destructible terrain" examples:

  • Have you turned off bullet set angle in it's properties?

    If so you should set angle of motion instead of angle of the image..

  • Ah ok, missed the every tick event..

    Well having an 800x600px sprite of which 90% is black isn't really advisable..

    Instead of using imagepoints you could just create objects based on coordinates or based on position of other (smaller) objects..

  • Are you just looking for something like:

    on up key pressed

    simulate pressing jump

    on landed

    up key is down

    simulate pressing jump

    Actually maybe

    player platform is on floor

    up key is down

    simulate pressing jump

    is already enough..

  • you are creating objects every tick if roundwinner is not 0, a triggered event would be advisable..