LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Give the spritefont object variables. Use these to pick instance.

  • How do I do this? I have an idea, but I just know it probably would involve a stupid amount of sprite font objects (I'm using sprite fonts instead of text objects).

    My project is aimed towards mobile devices with touch screens, so I need a name entry system where the user taps on the letters, right? And then some more letters pop up showing the name, with a maximum of 6 digits, do you understand what I'm trying to say?

    You could make your own keyboard.

    here's an example GeometriX made:

    On-screen keyboard

    Just replace the text-object with sprite-font.

  • Optimizing a game is making sure to change the things that prevent the game from running smoothly.

    One of those things could be removing objects and particles. If you don't want to remove those things you won't be able to optimize.

    Your car will never drive 90 miles an hour on every road if you keep your foot on the brake at all times.

  • Make a global variable named timer

    Make a global variable Time Bonus and set it to the amount of seconds the level should take.

    system every 1 second add one to timer

    set text - "Time: "&Floor(Timer/60) & ":" & right("00"&Floor(Timer%60),2)

    at the end of the level:

    system comape two values : time bonus-timer > 0 - add something to score.

  • Could be conflicting events, no telling without capx.

  • I don't understand your question. it looks like standard 8-dirction movement.

  • I think this is one of those moments you could use a for each.

    for each bullet - distance(player.x,player.y,bullet.x,bullet.y) > 200 - bullet destroy

    But I'm still wrapping my head around the instances and the for each stuff, so I could be wrong.

  • System compare two values : distance(player.x,player.y,bullet.x,bullet.y) > 200 - bullet destroy?

    BTW, I can't see your picture, so I just guessed.

  • You could use the expression clamp:

    clamp(x, lower, upper)

    Return lower if x is less than lower, upper if x is greater than upper, else return x.

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  • Does the second layout have an event sheet attached?

  • It's in the actions..

    system every tick - system scrollto

  • Instead of using the scrollto behaviour, try using the system action scrollto in the event sheet. It gives you far more control over the scrollto proporties.

  • Using a seperate object for every bit of text is very bad practise. Just use the set text action in the event sheet.

  • You should do it through events, because sticky isn't an existing state in the physics engine.

    Just make an event - on collision with pink - set velocity to 0

  • Just replace mouse with touch and in this case it should work.