If you can't figure out why that is by yourself, I recommend using the physics method as described above.
set the logo to physics also and set it to immovable to get this to work.
I'm not sure using physics is smart though..
You could get almost the same effect by using bullet behaviour on the coins and set gravity and bounce of solids to true..
Please save as single file, Capx not caproj, for us to be able to download.
Probably all you have to do is in the movement behaviour properties choose set angle to no.
Couldn't you just add them?
Var1+Var2+Var3+Var4+Var5+Var6+Var7+Var8 is greater or equal to 3
I would suggest using: viewportleft+((viewportright-viewportleft)/2)
Otherwise it will only work when viewportleft is 0
Could you explain why the example I posted wouldn't work?
create the image of the arrow, set it's angle to:
Arrow done!
Would creating an animation work?
You could also just scale the sprite if you use tiledbg.
Or use a black tiledbg with blendmode to make the sprite partially invisible.
Does this work as expected?
online example
Never had that problem.
Set the layout to unbounded scrolling and one layer to paralex 0,0 and everything stays in it's place.
Another way would be to use viewportleft, viewportright, viewporttop and viewportbottom expressions.
I always use scale outer, because I hate black lines around my game-screen.
To set in the center you could just set it in the center of a 0,0 paralex layer.
Also you could base your position on the edges of the screen.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Construct2 has the facebook object. You can read about it in the manual and there are great tutorials for it in the tutorial section.
Just thinking, but you could also fake it completely, by only creating the seesaw when needed and replacing it with sprites without behaviours when not needed.
Sounds like the music is triggered every tick, try adding a system trigger once while true.
It is doable with built in behaviours.
If you don't mind using third party behaviours, you might want to try the litetween plugin.
give the object timer behaviour,
on object touched
-- start timer
on any touch end
is touching object
-- stop timer
on timer
-- start