LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Are these all instances of the same sprite?

    I'm not sure why you are using the second pick all event for it completely overwrites the first picking..

  • Problem with the rounding in my opinion is that the chance of it being 2 is now 2 times as big as it being 1 or three

    1 -> 1.49 = 1

    1.5 -> 2.49 = 2

    2.5 -> 3 = 3

    When there are only three random numbers I'd rather use choose(1,2,3) , another way would be to use floor(1,3.99) or something similar..

  • I wouldn't think pick by evaluate would have much impact, unless you have a really high amount of instances..

    In which case it would probably not be hard to limit the amount of instances that should be checked by the evaluation..

  • I've never had issues with object-picking being cpu intensive, could you make a screenshot of the events?

  • There is the system - layer is visible condition, if used in the right way it could help..

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  • Use "Start ignoring platform user input" when pause.

    This would work..

    Another option would be putting all userinput in a group and de-activating the group when pause menu is started, when pause menu is stopped, just activate the group again..

  • I'm not sure what you are asking, haha..

    It would seem to me that setting webstorage to Dictionary.Get("NameOfKey") would be enough..

    Setting the value of the dictionary object, would be Dictionary set value Variable1&";"&Variable2&";"&Variable3

    So when retrieving the values you could use tokenAt :

    Tokenat(Dictionary.Get("NameOfKey"),0,";") to get the first value..

    If the values are numbers you should use int() or something similar to convert the string back to a number..

  • Depends on how "smart" you want your enemies to be..

    Checking the position of each enemy compared to the position of the player and adding actions based on that would be the starting point..

    By adding more conditions you could make the enemy smarter or dumber..

    One idea would be to place detection-sprites at the ends of platforms and if enemy is overlapping and player.y<enemy.y have them jump down..

    Jumping up and through a platform is only possible if there is a platform above, so checking for overlapping at offset (or any other way that suits you) and basing the jumping action on that could work..

    Perhaps adding the timer behaviour to have the enemies "make decisions" at certain intevals would be of help (this could also prevent the enemies from going crazy)

  • Depending on how much interaction you'd like using the dictionary object with tokenAt would probably be easiest.

    Just add one to the tokenAt expression every time enter is pressed using a variable.

    If this sounds confusing and or difficult I think there are multiple examples of a simple dialogue in the FAQ-thread..

  • If you would like to have each word clickable and highlighted seperately from the other words in the text, I guess they should be seperate objects..

    Instead of making sprites for them you could also use instances of the spritefont-object and with tokenAt or other text expressions just set the text to the word(s) you'd like..

    If you use a font with monospacing it would even be pretty simple to calculate the width of the objects needed for the word to fit..

    Here's the link to the system-expressions for manipulating text among others:

  • No, what you should do, like you see in this game is use a lot of repetition..

    you could probably make the maze window from 5 sprites, ceiling, floor, left, right, and center, these could be used over and over to create different looking maze positions..

  • The question usually isn't is it possible to make a game like that, but can YOU make a game like that..

    It is completely possible, there doesn't seem to be any real 3d, just an isometric fake 3d, which could be done with sprites..

  • you could try the lock orientation..

    and use a "friendly" turn your phone message for the mobiles this doesn't work for..

  • I'm not sure what is tough about adjusting the collision-mask in the image editor, for when you look there you'll see the mask of violets is completely off..

    I'm not sure this is the answer you are looking for though?

  • I think you can make it look anyway you want by using the set mouse cursor action..