LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Wouldn't it just be:

    pick all objects - set animation to plain

    pick nearest - set animation to shine

  • I'm still not sure what you are trying to do..

    When is the mouse cursor supposed to be the hand?

  • Can you do "Mouse-overs" for families?


  • Using either the same sprite for all hoverbuttons or putting them in a family would be easier, but for this to work as intended you could put the mouse-over conditions in an or-block as a subevent of the system compare condition..

    still not sure why the flag is needed though

    mouse is over bladibla

    trigger once

    set cursor to whatever


    trigger once

    set cursor back to normal

  • Then it would be:

    on spacebar pressed

    sprite is overlapping door

    play video

  • Please try and explain what you are trying to achieve..

    While I'm not sure why you use so many different hover-sprites that look exactly the same, I guess you want the event to be true only when logomouseoverflag=1 AND the mouse is over one of the hoverbuttons?

    Right now the event is true when logomouseoverflag=1 OR the mouse is over one of the hoverbuttons..

  • As far as I can tell from your question, right now my answer would be:

    on spacebar pressed

    sprite is overlapping door

    play cutscene

    Biggest question now is..

    What is this cutscene?

    Is it a sprite, a new layout, a new layer, a video?

  • hi,

    great plugin

    i will be thankfull if you add effect like slide or bounce (left or right up or down) but looking like if we go to the second layout there is no distance between them (its like the layout are sticked)


    Because of how layouts (and this plug-in) work that will be near impossible..

    Only way I can think of to do that, would be to use a screenshot from the old layout (loaded it in the next) and a screenshot from the new layout and moving them with the lite-tween-behaviour, destroying the screenshots and revealing the new level after the "transition"

  • Although this answer is so simple, it almost can't be the answer you are looking for:

    in the request action you can set a "tag"

    in the on completed action you can set that same "tag"..

    so in the ajax on completed with that specific "tag" - you can set the actions for what to do with the data associated with that specific ajax request..

  • Using the fade behaviour you could fade in the objects for the pop up menu..

    setting the time scale to zero would stop the game in the back, but if you'd like an animated menu you could set the object timescale to 1..

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  • Hmmm..

    looks like a lot of work for something that could be achieved by using bullet-behaviour..

  • I still think it should work, but well..

    You could try this:

    Create a global variable CollumnTouched

    on touched collumn

    Collumntouched set value to column.uid

    -- pick all collumn

    set invisible

    touch is touching

    system compare two values collumn.uid = Collumntouched

    trigger once

    collumn set visible

    touch on any touch end

    collumn set invisible

  • This should work:

    Touch is touching column

    column set visible


    column set invisible

  • Without families using pick nth instance should work also:

    System -> Pick nth Instance

    If 2 instances collide, picking instance 0 will pick the first instance and instance 1 will pick the 2nd instance

    ON collision Enemy with Enemy

    Pick instance 0 ... do whatever

    Pick instance 1 .. do whatever